Design recommendations on longitudinally stiffened titanium-clad bimetallic steel plate girder
Z Luo, Y Shi, X Xue, L Xu, H Zhang - Journal of Constructional Steel …, 2023 - Elsevier
In this study, titanium-clad bimetallic steel (TCBS) was innovatively introduced into the plate
girder as a web, which enhanced the durability. The ultimate strength of a longitudinally …
girder as a web, which enhanced the durability. The ultimate strength of a longitudinally …
Experimental and numerical investigation on patch loading capacity of longitudinally stiffened hybrid titanium-clad bimetallic steel plate girder
Z Luo, Y Shi, X Xue, T Gao - Engineering Failure Analysis, 2023 - Elsevier
Plate girders are important load-bearing components of bridge and industrial structures.
Corrosion significantly affects durability and service life of plate girders. Bimetallic steel …
Corrosion significantly affects durability and service life of plate girders. Bimetallic steel …
Plate girders behaviour under in-plane loading: A review
The behaviour of plate girders under in plane loading has been intensively studied during
the last two decades either to bring new insights, to propose new design methods or to …
the last two decades either to bring new insights, to propose new design methods or to …
The state of the art of steel and steel concrete composite straight plate girder bridges
QA Hasan, WHW Badaruzzaman, AW Al-Zand… - Thin-Walled …, 2017 - Elsevier
The behaviour of plate girders has been extensively studied during the past few decades.
Extensive lab work, analytical methods, and numerical analyses, have been used in order …
Extensive lab work, analytical methods, and numerical analyses, have been used in order …
Patch-loading resistance of QN1803 and S32001 high-strength stainless steel plate girders: Experimental study and numerical simulation
High-strength stainless steel is a promising structural material due to its outstanding strength
and greater corrosion resistance, which is developed by the steel industry recently. One of …
and greater corrosion resistance, which is developed by the steel industry recently. One of …
An experimental study on the reduced resistance of perforated S32001 high-strength stainless steel girder under patch loading
Abstract S32001 (EN 1.4482) is a newly developed duplex high-strength stainless steel
known for its enhanced yield strength and cost efficiency. This material is often used in plate …
known for its enhanced yield strength and cost efficiency. This material is often used in plate …
Influence of patch load length on plate girders. Part I: Experimental research
N Markovic, S Kovacevic - Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2019 - Elsevier
An experimental research considering the behavior and ultimate strength of longitudinally
stiffened plate girders subjected to localized edge loading in the plane of the web, a load …
stiffened plate girders subjected to localized edge loading in the plane of the web, a load …
Numerical analysis of curved steel plate girders subjected to patch loading
Curved steel plate girders are often utilized in bridges built in congested urban areas, where
intricate plan alignments are required. Their performance and design is, however, more …
intricate plan alignments are required. Their performance and design is, however, more …
The influence of structural imperfections on the resistance of plate girders to patch loading
This paper presents an assessment of the influence of structural imperfections, namely, the
residual stresses, on the ultimate load capacity of steel plate girders when subjected to …
residual stresses, on the ultimate load capacity of steel plate girders when subjected to …
Critical buckling of longitudinally stiffened webs subjected to compressive edge loads
C Graciano, O Lagerqvist - Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2003 - Elsevier
The resistance of steel plate girders subjected to concentrated load can be described using
a strength curve, which includes a gradual transition from yielding to buckling depending on …
a strength curve, which includes a gradual transition from yielding to buckling depending on …