Lithium side effects and toxicity: prevalence and management strategies
M Gitlin - International journal of bipolar disorders, 2016 - Springer
Despite its virtually universal acceptance as the gold standard in treating bipolar disorder,
prescription rates for lithium have been decreasing recently. Although this observation is …
prescription rates for lithium have been decreasing recently. Although this observation is …
Lithium and suicide in mood disorders: updated meta‐review of the scientific literature
Objectives Suicide and suicidal behaviour are increased in mood disorders, particularly
bipolar disorders. Observational studies and small randomized controlled trials (RCTs) …
bipolar disorders. Observational studies and small randomized controlled trials (RCTs) …
The 2020 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for mood disorders
Objectives: To provide advice and guidance regarding the management of mood disorders,
derived from scientific evidence and supplemented by expert clinical consensus to formulate …
derived from scientific evidence and supplemented by expert clinical consensus to formulate …
Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) and International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) 2018 guidelines for the management of patients …
The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) previously published
treatment guidelines for bipolar disorder in 2005, along with international commentaries and …
treatment guidelines for bipolar disorder in 2005, along with international commentaries and …
The use of lithium for the treatment of bipolar disorder: recommendations from clinical practice guidelines
Background Lithium is an effective mood stabilizer that is used principally for the
management of bipolar disorder (BD). Its administration is complex and often requires …
management of bipolar disorder (BD). Its administration is complex and often requires …
Assessing and addressing cognitive impairment in bipolar disorder: the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Targeting Cognition Task Force recommendations …
Objectives Cognition is a new treatment target to aid functional recovery and enhance
quality of life for patients with bipolar disorder. The International Society for Bipolar …
quality of life for patients with bipolar disorder. The International Society for Bipolar …
Cognitive side-effects of electroconvulsive therapy: what are they, how to monitor them and what to tell patients
BackgroundElectroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is recommended in treatment guidelines as an
efficacious therapy for treatment-resistant depression. However, it has been associated with …
efficacious therapy for treatment-resistant depression. However, it has been associated with …
Therapeutic mechanisms of lithium in bipolar disorder: recent advances and current understanding
Lithium is the most effective and well established treatment for bipolar disorder, and it has a
broad array of effects within cellular pathways. However, the specific processes through …
broad array of effects within cellular pathways. However, the specific processes through …
E-waste recycling practices: a review on environmental concerns, remediation and technological developments with a focus on printed circuit boards
SP Tembhare, BA Bhanvase, DP Barai… - Environment …, 2022 - Springer
Decrease in life span of electronic devices and consumer's urge to use advanced
technology leads to obsolescence of such devices, resulting in electronic waste generation …
technology leads to obsolescence of such devices, resulting in electronic waste generation …
Overarching states of mind
We all have our varying mental emphases, inclinations, and biases. These individual
dispositions are dynamic in that they can change over time and context. We propose that …
dispositions are dynamic in that they can change over time and context. We propose that …