How does building healthy soils impact sustainable use of water resources in irrigated agriculture?
As blue water resources become increasingly scarce with more frequent droughts and
overuse, irrigated agriculture faces significant challenges to reduce its water footprint while …
overuse, irrigated agriculture faces significant challenges to reduce its water footprint while …
Physiological and morphological responses of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) to water deficit
With drought projected to increase in severity and frequency in the future, selection of
emerging drought-tolerant species that exhibit improved water use efficiency will be key to …
emerging drought-tolerant species that exhibit improved water use efficiency will be key to …
Supplemental irrigation increases grain yield, water productivity, and nitrogen utilization efficiency by improving nitrogen nutrition status in winter wheat
S Liu, X Lin, W Wang, B Zhang, D Wang - Agricultural Water Management, 2022 - Elsevier
Supplemental irrigation (SI) is considered as one of the effective water management
practices for improving grain yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency (NU t E) in winter wheat …
practices for improving grain yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency (NU t E) in winter wheat …
iPOTs: Internet of Things‐based pot system controlling optional treatment of soil water condition for plant phenoty** under drought stress
SUMMARY A cultivation facility that can assist users in controlling the soil water condition is
needed for accurately phenoty** plants under drought stress in an artificial environment …
needed for accurately phenoty** plants under drought stress in an artificial environment …
The Interplay Between Water Limitation, Dhurrin, and Nitrate in the Low-Cyanogenic Sorghum Mutant adult cyanide deficient class 1
Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench produces the nitrogen-containing natural product dhurrin that
provides chemical defense against herbivores and pathogens via the release of toxic …
provides chemical defense against herbivores and pathogens via the release of toxic …
Unraveling the defensive strategies of camel thorn Alhagi maurorum medik. For thriving in arid and semi-arid environments
The study aimed to evaluate the role of morpho-physiological and anatomical attributes of
Alhagi maurorum Medik. Populations from five water deficit regions in Punjab province …
Alhagi maurorum Medik. Populations from five water deficit regions in Punjab province …
[HTML][HTML] Water conservation and assimilation is driven by stomatal behaviour in industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)
As rainfall becomes increasingly erratic due to climate change, reliable water availability for
crops will decrease, leading to reductions in crop productivity. Crops that can moderate …
crops will decrease, leading to reductions in crop productivity. Crops that can moderate …
[HTML][HTML] Stable soil water shapes the rhizosphere of Solanum lycopersicum L. and improves tomato fruit yield and quality
G Li, H Long, R Zhang, A Xu, L Niu - Scientia Horticulturae, 2025 - Elsevier
Stable soil water can ensure plant yield and water use efficiency, yet its short-term impact on
tomato production and soil ecological environment is not well understood. In this study, the …
tomato production and soil ecological environment is not well understood. In this study, the …
Improving winter wheat grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency using nitrogen application time and rate
Preplant nitrogen (N) application, which involves placing nutrients in the soil before seeding,
has been an integral part of crop production systems for decades. Some producers are …
has been an integral part of crop production systems for decades. Some producers are …
The phosphoproteome of rice leaves responds to water and nitrogen supply
The scarcity of freshwater is an increasing concern in flood-irrigated rice, whilst excessive
use of nitrogen fertilizers is costly and contributes to environmental pollution. To co-ordinate …
use of nitrogen fertilizers is costly and contributes to environmental pollution. To co-ordinate …