Collaborative user network embedding for social recommender systems
To address the issue of data sparsity and cold-start in recommender system, social
information (eg, user-user trust links) has been introduced to complement rating data for …
information (eg, user-user trust links) has been introduced to complement rating data for …
Preference dynamics with multimodal user-item interactions in social media recommendation
Recommender systems elicit the interests and preferences of individuals and make
recommendations accordingly, a main challenge for expert and intelligent systems. An …
recommendations accordingly, a main challenge for expert and intelligent systems. An …
A correlative denoising autoencoder to model social influence for top-N recommender system
In recent years, there are numerous works been proposed to leverage the techniques of
deep learning to improve social-aware recommendation performance. In most cases, it …
deep learning to improve social-aware recommendation performance. In most cases, it …
A joint two-phase time-sensitive regularized collaborative ranking model for point of interest recommendation
The popularity of location-based social networks (LBSNs) has led to a tremendous amount
of user check-in data. Recommending points of interest (POIs) plays a key role in satisfying …
of user check-in data. Recommending points of interest (POIs) plays a key role in satisfying …
Learning to rank with trust and distrust in recommender systems
The sparsity of users' preferences can significantly degrade the quality of recommendations
in the collaborative filtering strategy. To account for the fact that the selections of social …
in the collaborative filtering strategy. To account for the fact that the selections of social …
How does collaboration affect researchers' positions in co-authorship networks?
Collaboration usually has a positive effect on researchers' productivity: researchers have
become increasingly collaborative, according to recent studies. Numerous studies have …
become increasingly collaborative, according to recent studies. Numerous studies have …
Learning adaptive trust strength with user roles of truster and trustee for trust-aware recommender systems
There are two key characteristics of users in trust relationships that have been well
studied:(1) users trust their friends with different trust strengths and (2) users play multiple …
studied:(1) users trust their friends with different trust strengths and (2) users play multiple …
Can Virtual Assistants Produce Recommendations?
Virtual assistants, also known as intelligent conversational systems such as Google's Virtual
Assistant and Apple's Siri, interact with human-like responses to users' queries and finish …
Assistant and Apple's Siri, interact with human-like responses to users' queries and finish …
Adversarial training for review-based recommendations
Recent studies have shown that incorporating users' reviews into the collaborative filtering
strategy can significantly boost the recommendation accuracy. A pressing challenge resides …
strategy can significantly boost the recommendation accuracy. A pressing challenge resides …
Recommendation with social relationships via deep learning
While users trust the selections of their social friends in recommendation systems, the
preferences of friends do not necessarily match. In this study, we introduce a deep learning …
preferences of friends do not necessarily match. In this study, we introduce a deep learning …