Niche breadth: causes and consequences for ecology, evolution, and conservation
Niche breadth is a unifying concept spanning diverse aspects of ecology, evolution, and
conservation biology. Niche breadth usually refers to the diversity of resources used or …
conservation biology. Niche breadth usually refers to the diversity of resources used or …
Major challenges for correlational ecological niche model projections to future climate conditions
Species‐level forecasts of distributional potential and likely distributional shifts, in the face of
changing climates, have become popular in the literature in the past 20 years. Many …
changing climates, have become popular in the literature in the past 20 years. Many …
Phylogenetic dispersion and diversity in regional assemblages of seed plants in China
Species assemble into communities through ecological and evolutionary processes.
Phylogenetic niche conservatism—the tendency of species to retain ancestral ecological …
Phylogenetic niche conservatism—the tendency of species to retain ancestral ecological …
Global patterns and climatic determinants of phylogenetic structure of regional fern floras
Knowledge of relationships between phylogenetic structure of a biological assemblage and
ecological factors that drive the variation of phylogenetic structure among regions is crucial …
ecological factors that drive the variation of phylogenetic structure among regions is crucial …
[HTML][HTML] An ecological framework for modeling the geography of disease transmission
EE Johnson, LE Escobar… - Trends in ecology & …, 2019 - cell.com
Ecological niche modeling (ENM) is widely employed in ecology to predict species' potential
geographic distributions in relation to their environmental constraints and is rapidly …
geographic distributions in relation to their environmental constraints and is rapidly …
Rethinking ecological niches and geographic distributions in face of pervasive human influence in the Anthropocene
Species are distributed in predictable ways in geographic spaces. The three principal factors
that determine geographic distributions of species are biotic interactions (B), abiotic …
that determine geographic distributions of species are biotic interactions (B), abiotic …
Spatial patterns and climatic drivers of phylogenetic structure for ferns along the longest elevational gradient in the world
Many biodiversity hotspots are located in montane regions, thus, understanding the
underlying mechanisms driving species assembly along elevational gradients is of major …
underlying mechanisms driving species assembly along elevational gradients is of major …
Identifying targets and agents of selection: innovative methods to evaluate the processes that contribute to local adaptation
Extensive empirical work has demonstrated local adaptation to discrete environments, yet
few studies have elucidated the genetic and environment mechanisms that generate it …
few studies have elucidated the genetic and environment mechanisms that generate it …
Differences between microhabitat and broad-scale patterns of niche evolution in terrestrial salamanders
The extent to which closely related species share similar niches remains highly debated.
Ecological niches are increasingly analysed by combining distribution records with broad …
Ecological niches are increasingly analysed by combining distribution records with broad …
Biotic resistance to exotic invasions: its role in forest ecosystems, confounding artifacts, and future directions
Biotic resistance, the ability of communities to resist exotic invasions, has long attracted
interest in the research and management communities. However, inconsistencies exist in …
interest in the research and management communities. However, inconsistencies exist in …