[HTML][HTML] Factors for innovation ecosystem frameworks: Comprehensive organizational aspects for evolution
This article aims to identify the organizational factors in innovation ecosystem frameworks
beyond scientific, technological, and economic aspects, including cultural, social, and …
beyond scientific, technological, and economic aspects, including cultural, social, and …
Positive psychology at work: A conceptual review, state-of-practice assessment, and a look ahead
Positive psychological principles have become increasingly prevalent in the workplace in
recent years. However, the field still lacks a comprehensive and practice-based overview of …
recent years. However, the field still lacks a comprehensive and practice-based overview of …
Positive psychology in a pandemic: Buffering, bolstering, and building mental health
As the COVID-19 global health disaster continues to unfold across the world, calls have
been made to address the associated mental illness public crisis. The current paper seeks to …
been made to address the associated mental illness public crisis. The current paper seeks to …
Tell me if you can: time pressure, prosocial motivation, perspective taking, and knowledge hiding
Purpose The belief that knowledge actually expands when it is shared has been deeply
rooted in the mainstream knowledge management literature. Although many organizations …
rooted in the mainstream knowledge management literature. Although many organizations …
[PDF][PDF] Digiajan työelämä− työolotutkimuksen tuloksia 1977− 2018
H Sutela, A Pärnänen, M Keyriläinen - 2019 - doria.fi
Noin viiden vuoden välein tehdyn Työolotutkimuksen aikasarjat ulottuvat pisimmillään
vuoteen 1977. Jokaisella tutkimuskerralla tutkimuksen sisältöä on ajantasaistettu …
vuoteen 1977. Jokaisella tutkimuskerralla tutkimuksen sisältöä on ajantasaistettu …
Flourishing via workplace relationships: Moving beyond instrumental support
In a series of qualitative and quantitative studies, we developed a model of the functions of
positive work relationships, with an explicit focus on the role that these relationships play in …
positive work relationships, with an explicit focus on the role that these relationships play in …
Hel** people by being in the present: Mindfulness increases prosocial behavior
The present research tested whether mindfulness, a state characterized by focused,
nonjudgmental awareness of the present moment, increases prosocial behavior in the …
nonjudgmental awareness of the present moment, increases prosocial behavior in the …
Hope and positive affect mediating the authentic leadership and creativity relationship
The study analyzes how authentic leadership (AL) predicts employees' creativity both
directly and through the mediating role of employees' positive affect and hope. Two hundred …
directly and through the mediating role of employees' positive affect and hope. Two hundred …
Relationship quality and virtuousness: Emotional carrying capacity as a source of individual and team resilience
Virtuousness in organizations involves individuals and teams being resilient, or bouncing
back from setbacks in ways that allow them to adapt and grow. In two studies, we focus on …
back from setbacks in ways that allow them to adapt and grow. In two studies, we focus on …
Relational bureaucracy: Structuring reciprocal relationships into roles
We describe a hybrid relational bureaucratic form with structures that embed three
processes of reciprocal interrelating—relational coproduction, relational coordination, and …
processes of reciprocal interrelating—relational coproduction, relational coordination, and …