Polymers with spatial or topological constraints: Theoretical and computational results

C Micheletti, D Marenduzzo, E Orlandini - Physics Reports, 2011 - Elsevier
In this review, we provide an organized summary of the theoretical and computational
results that are available for polymers subject to spatial or topological constraints. Because …

Non-equilibrium in adsorbed polymer layers

B O'Shaughnessy, D Vavylonis - Journal of physics: condensed …, 2004 - iopscience.iop.org
High molecular weight polymer solutions have a powerful tendency to deposit adsorbed
layers when exposed to even mildly attractive surfaces. The equilibrium properties of these …

[KNYGA][B] Conformal invariance and critical phenomena

M Henkel - 2013 - books.google.com
Critical phenomena arise in a wide variety of physical systems. Classi cal examples are the
liquid-vapour critical point or the paramagnetic ferromagnetic transition. Further examples …

[KNYGA][B] Lattice models of polymers

C Vanderzande - 1998 - books.google.com
This book provides an introduction to lattice models of polymers. This is an important topic
both in the theory of critical phenomena and the modelling of polymers. The first two …

Star polymers: Experiment, theory, and simulation

GS Grest, LJ Fetters, JS Huang, D Richter - Adv. Chem. Phys, 2007 - books.google.com
B. Good Solvent and Poor Solvent C. Relaxation of Star Polymers VI. Scattering Methods A.
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering B. Qualitative Features of the Form Factor C. Theoretical …

Boundary Criticality of the 3D O() Model: From Normal to Extraordinary

F Parisen Toldin, MA Metlitski - Physical Review Letters, 2022 - APS
It was recently realized that the three-dimensional O (N) model possesses an extraordinary
boundary universality class for a finite range of N≥ 2. For a given N, the existence and …

Cuckoo search algorithm: a metaheuristic approach to solving the problem of optimum synthesis of a six-bar double dwell linkage

RR Bulatović, SR Đorđević, VS Đorđević - Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper considers dimensional synthesis of a six-bar linkage with turning kinematic pairs,
in the literature known as Stephenson III Six-bar linkage. The synthesis procedure started …

[KNYGA][B] The statistical mechanics of interacting walks, polygons, animals and vesicles

EJJ Van Rensburg - 2015 - books.google.com
The self-avoiding walk is a classical model in statistical mechanics, probability theory and
mathematical physics. It is also a simple model of polymer entropy which is useful in …

Polymers interacting with spherical and rodlike particles

E Eisenriegler, A Hanke, S Dietrich - Physical Review E, 1996 - APS
The interaction of a long flexible polymer chain with mesoscopic particles of spherical or
elongated cylindrical shape is investigated by field-theoretic methods using the polymer …

Monte Carlo methods for the self-avoiding walk

AD Sokal - arxiv preprint hep-lat/9405016, 1994 - arxiv.org
hep-lat/9405016 17 May 1994 Contents Page 1 hep-lat/9405016 17 May 1994 MONTE