A survey of rate-optimal power domain NOMA with enabling technologies of future wireless networks
The ambitious high data-rate applications in the envisioned future beyond fifth-generation
(B5G) wireless networks require new solutions, including the advent of more advanced …
(B5G) wireless networks require new solutions, including the advent of more advanced …
Power-domain non orthogonal multiple access (PD-NOMA) in cooperative networks: an overview
Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) scheme is emerging as a favourable multiple
access scheme for future 5G networks. Compared to orthogonal multiple access techniques …
access scheme for future 5G networks. Compared to orthogonal multiple access techniques …
Interplay between NOMA and other emerging technologies: A survey
Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has been widely recognized as a promising way to
scale up the number of users, enhance the spectral efficiency, and improve the user-fairness …
scale up the number of users, enhance the spectral efficiency, and improve the user-fairness …
Modeling and analysis of energy harvesting and smart grid-powered wireless communication networks: A contemporary survey
The advancements in smart power grid and the advocation of “green communications” have
inspired the wireless communication networks to harness energy from ambient …
inspired the wireless communication networks to harness energy from ambient …
Cooperative NOMA: State of the art, key techniques, and open challenges
In this article, we investigate the integration of NOMA into cooperative relaying. We first
introduce several fundamental cooperative NOMA network structures, and then classify them …
introduce several fundamental cooperative NOMA network structures, and then classify them …
A comprehensive survey of 6G wireless communications
While fifth-generation (5G) communications are being rolled out worldwide, sixth-generation
(6G) communications have attracted much attention from both the industry and the …
(6G) communications have attracted much attention from both the industry and the …
Full-duplex non-orthogonal multiple access cooperative overlay spectrum-sharing networks with SWIPT
This article proposes a novel non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) assisted cooperative
spectrum-sharing network, in which one of the full-duplex (FD) secondary transmitters (STs) …
spectrum-sharing network, in which one of the full-duplex (FD) secondary transmitters (STs) …
Performance of full-duplex cooperative NOMA network with direct link and battery-assisted non-linear energy harvesting near user
This study investigates the performance of cooperative relaying-based non-orthogonal
multiple access (NOMA) with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer …
multiple access (NOMA) with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer …
Full-duplex non-orthogonal multiple access cooperative spectrum-sharing networks with non-linear energy harvesting
In this paper, we analyze the performance of a non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA)
cognitive relay system, where a multi-antenna full-duplex cognitive transmitter employs …
cognitive relay system, where a multi-antenna full-duplex cognitive transmitter employs …
Evaluation of Full-Duplex SWIPT Cooperative NOMA-Based IoT Relay Networks over Nakagami-m Fading Channels
In this paper, we investigate the performance of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA)-
based full-duplex Internet-of-Things (IoT) relay systems with simultaneous wireless …
based full-duplex Internet-of-Things (IoT) relay systems with simultaneous wireless …