Materials, physics and systems for multicaloric cooling

H Hou, S Qian, I Takeuchi - Nature Reviews Materials, 2022 -
Calls to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and demands for higher energy efficiency
continue to drive research into alternative cooling and refrigeration technologies. The caloric …

Nematicity and nematic fluctuations in iron-based superconductors

AE Böhmer, JH Chu, S Lederer, M Yi - Nature Physics, 2022 -
The spontaneous reduction of rotational symmetry in a crystalline solid driven by an
electronic mechanism is referred to as electronic nematicity. This phenomenon—initially …

Elastocaloric determination of the phase diagram of Sr2RuO4

YS Li, M Garst, J Schmalian, S Ghosh, N Kikugawa… - Nature, 2022 -
One of the main developments in unconventional superconductivity in the past two decades
has been the discovery that most unconventional superconductors form phase diagrams that …

Probing quantum materials with uniaxial stress

CW Hicks, F Jerzembeck, HML Noad… - Annual Review of …, 2024 -
Over the past approximately 10 years, it has become routine to use piezoelectric actuators to
apply large anisotropic stresses to correlated electron materials. Elastic strains exceeding …

Constraints on the superconducting state of from elastocaloric measurements

G Palle, C Hicks, R Valentí, Z Hu, YS Li, A Rost… - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
Strontium ruthenate Sr 2 RuO 4 is an unconventional superconductor whose pairing
symmetry has not been fully clarified, despite more than two decades of intensive research …

Strain tuning of vestigial three-state Potts nematicity in a correlated antiferromagnet

K Hwangbo, E Rosenberg, J Cenker, Q Jiang, H Wen… - Nature Physics, 2024 -
Electronic nematicity is a state of matter in which rotational symmetry is spontaneously
broken and translational symmetry is preserved. In strongly correlated materials, nematicity …

Absence of Nematic Instability and Dominant Response in the Kagome Metal

Z Liu, Y Shi, Q Jiang, EW Rosenberg, JM DeStefano… - Physical Review X, 2024 - APS
Ever since the discovery of the charge density wave (CDW) transition in the kagome metal
CsV 3 Sb 5, the nature of its symmetry breaking has been under intense debate. While …

Giant elastocaloric effect at low temperatures in TmVO4 and implications for cryogenic cooling

MP Zic, MS Ikeda, P Massat, PM Hollister, L Ye… - Proceedings of the …, 2024 -
Adiabatic decompression of paraquadrupolar materials has significant potential as a
cryogenic cooling technology. We focus on TmVO 4, an archetypal material that undergoes …

Elastocaloric signatures of symmetric and antisymmetric strain-tuning of quadrupolar and magnetic phases in DyB2C2

L Ye, Y Sun, V Sunko, JF Rodriguez-Nieva… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 -
The adiabatic elastocaloric effect measures the temperature change of a given system with
strain and provides a thermodynamic probe of the entropic landscape in the temperature …

Vanishing nematic order beyond the pseudogap phase in overdoped cuprate superconductors

NK Gupta, C McMahon, R Sutarto, T Shi… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 -
During the last decade, translational and rotational symmetry-breaking phases—density
wave order and electronic nematicity—have been established as generic and distinct …