[HTML][HTML] Drinking water contamination and treatment techniques

S Sharma, A Bhattacharya - Applied water science, 2017 - Springer
Water is of fundamental importance for life on earth. The synthesis and structure of cell
constituents and transport of nutrients into the cells as well as body metabolism depend on …

Adsorption of organic contaminants by graphene nanosheets: A review

G Ersan, OG Apul, F Perreault, T Karanfil - Water research, 2017 - Elsevier
Graphene nanosheets (GNS) such as graphenes and graphene oxides (GOs) have been
widely investigated as next-generation adsorbents in both water and wastewater treatment …

A review: Potential and challenges of biologically activated carbon to remove natural organic matter in drinking water purification process

SM Korotta-Gamage, A Sathasivan - Chemosphere, 2017 - Elsevier
The use of biologically activated carbon (BAC) in drinking water purification is reviewed. In
the past BAC is seen mostly as a polishing treatment. However, BAC has the potential to …

Biofilm processes in biologically active carbon water purification

DR Simpson - Water research, 2008 - Elsevier
This review paper serves to describe the composition and activity of a biologically active
carbon (BAC) biofilm used in water purification. An analysis of several physical–chemical …

[HTML][HTML] Is sorption technology fit for the removal of persistent and mobile organic contaminants from water?

BM Aumeier, A Georgi, N Saeidi, G Sigmund - Science of the Total …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract Persistent, Mobile, and Toxic (PMT) and very persistent and very mobile (vPvM)
substances are a growing threat to water security and safety. Many of these substances are …

Implications of biological activated carbon filters for micropollutant removal in wastewater treatment

T Fundneider, VA Alonso, A Wick, D Albrecht… - Water research, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) filtration is a common process for advanced
wastewater treatment. In such filters, the removal of organic substances results from …

Bioregeneration of activated carbon: a review

Ö Aktaş, F Çeçen - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2007 - Elsevier
Bioregeneration is defined as the renewal of the adsorptive capacity of activated carbon by
microorganisms for further adsorption. Bioregeneration of activated carbon increases the …

[HTML][HTML] Critical review of adsorption and biodegradation mechanisms for removal of biogenic taste and odour compounds in granular and biological activated carbon …

R Paulino, B Tamburic, RM Stuetz, A Zamyadi… - Journal of Water …, 2023 - Elsevier
Current knowledge on the physical, chemical and biological mechanisms involved in the
removal of biogenic taste and odour (T&O) compounds by granular and biological activated …

The control of disinfection byproducts and their precursors in biologically active filtration processes

C Liu, CI Olivares, AJ Pinto, CV Lauderdale, J Brown… - Water Research, 2017 - Elsevier
While disinfection provides hygienically safe drinking water, the disinfectants react with
inorganic or organic precursors, leading to the formation of harmful disinfection byproducts …

Hybrid membrane bio-systems for sustainable treatment of oil and gas produced water and fracturing flowback water

SM Riley, JMS Oliveira, J Regnery, TY Cath - Separation and Purification …, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract Development of unconventional oil and gas (O&G) resources through hydraulic
fracturing has surged in recent years. While declines in oil prices have temporarily reduced …