Leaf physiological and morphological constraints of water-use efficiency in C3 plants
The increasing evaporative demand due to climate change will significantly affect the
balance of carbon assimilation and water losses of plants worldwide. The development of …
balance of carbon assimilation and water losses of plants worldwide. The development of …
Inter-provenance variability and phenotypic plasticity of wood and leaf traits related to hydraulic safety and efficiency in seven European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) …
Abstract Key message Seven European beech provenances differing largely in growth
performance were grown at two common garden sites in Germany and Slovakia. The intra …
performance were grown at two common garden sites in Germany and Slovakia. The intra …
Impact of elevated temperatures on the genetic and morpho-physiological traits of cotton genotypes cultivation
Heat stress poses a significant threat to cotton, affecting crucial developmental stages from
fertilization to boll development and thereby reducing both yield and quality. As global …
fertilization to boll development and thereby reducing both yield and quality. As global …
[HTML][HTML] Saving water under water deficit conditions by application of Xyway LFR@ FMC: Greenhouse studies
Triazole fungicides are often referred to as" stress protectants" due to their ability to enhance
the abiotic stress tolerance of plants. Xyway LFR@ FMC (flutriafol) is a triazole and at-plant …
the abiotic stress tolerance of plants. Xyway LFR@ FMC (flutriafol) is a triazole and at-plant …
[PDF][PDF] Leaf physiological and morphological constraints of water-use efficiency in C
P Petrík, A Petek-Petrik, M Mukarram, B Schuldt… - 2023 - researchgate.net
The increasing evaporative demand due to climate change will significantly affect the
balance of carbon assimilation and water losses of plants worldwide. The development of …
balance of carbon assimilation and water losses of plants worldwide. The development of …