[หนังสือ][B] Phases: An essay on cyclicity in syntax
K Abels - 2012 - books.google.com
The minimalist notion of a phase has often been investigated with a view to the
interfaces.'Phases' provides a strictly syntax-internal perspective. If phases are fundamental …
interfaces.'Phases' provides a strictly syntax-internal perspective. If phases are fundamental …
The copy theory
J Nunes - 2011 - academic.oup.com
This article reviews the general features of the Copy Theory of movement, focusing on some
empirical gains prompted by its adoption in the Minimalist Program. It is organized as …
empirical gains prompted by its adoption in the Minimalist Program. It is organized as …
Predicate doubling and parallel chains
EO Aboh, M Dyakonova - Lingua, 2009 - Elsevier
This paper discusses predicate fronting with doubling in Russian and Gungbe and argues
that it is an instance of parallel chains in the sense of Chomsky (2005). Under this analysis …
that it is an instance of parallel chains in the sense of Chomsky (2005). Under this analysis …
The grammar of repetition
J Kandybowicz - 2008 - torrossa.com
I completed my UCLA dissertation in 2006. This book is a thoroughly revised version of that
work. Although I have retained the overall structure and analytical spirit of my thesis, I have …
work. Although I have retained the overall structure and analytical spirit of my thesis, I have …
[PDF][PDF] Leftward focus versus rightward focus: The Kwa-Bantu conspiracy
EO Aboh - 2007 - academia.edu
Leftward Focus versus Rightward Focus: the Kwa-Bantu Conspiracy Page 1 SOAS Working
Papers in Linguistics Vol.15 (2007): 81-104 Leftward Focus versus Rightward Focus: the …
Papers in Linguistics Vol.15 (2007): 81-104 Leftward Focus versus Rightward Focus: the …
Doubling and do-support in verbal fronting: Towards a typology of repair operations
J Hein - Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2017 - glossa-journal.org
Most known languages seem to follow the intuitive and economical implication that if they
show a repair such as verb doubling or do-support when just the verb is fronted, they also …
show a repair such as verb doubling or do-support when just the verb is fronted, they also …
The grammar of Shupamem
AL Nchare - 2012 - search.proquest.com
This study analyzes the grammar of Shupamem, a language that belongs to a
geographically defined group of languages known as' Grassfields Bantu languages' …
geographically defined group of languages known as' Grassfields Bantu languages' …
Predicate fronting in Yiddish and conditions on multiple copy Spell-Out
IL Bleaman - Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 2022 - Springer
Predicate fronting with doubling (also known as the predicate cleft) has long been a
challenge for theories of syntax that do not predict the pronunciation of multiple occurrences …
challenge for theories of syntax that do not predict the pronunciation of multiple occurrences …
[PDF][PDF] Anti-pied-pi**
Kenyon Branan & Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine, National University of Singapore We discuss
the existence and distribution of anti-pied-pi** effects, where focus morphosyntax targets …
the existence and distribution of anti-pied-pi** effects, where focus morphosyntax targets …
The architecture of it-clefts1
L Haegeman, A Meinunger, A Vercauteren - Journal of Linguistics, 2014 - cambridge.org
This paper examines quasi-monoclausal left-peripheral analyses of English it-clefts. Though
attractive because such analyses bring out commonalities between it-clefts on the one hand …
attractive because such analyses bring out commonalities between it-clefts on the one hand …