Normal integration: a survey

Y Quéau, JD Durou, JF Aujol - Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2018 - Springer
The need for efficient normal integration methods is driven by several computer vision tasks
such as shape-from-shading, photometric stereo, deflectometry. In the first part of this survey …

Regularized reconstruction of a surface from its measured gradient field: algorithms for spectral, Tikhonov, constrained, and weighted regularization

M Harker, P O'leary - Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2015 - Springer
This paper presents several new algorithms for the regularized reconstruction of a surface
from its measured gradient field. By taking a matrix-algebraic approach, we establish …

Normal integration via inverse plane fitting with minimum point-to-plane distance

X Cao, B Shi, F Okura… - Proceedings of the IEEE …, 2021 -
This paper presents a surface normal integration method that solves an inverse problem of
local plane fitting. Surface reconstruction from normal maps is essential in photometric …

Three-dimensional facial recognition using passive long-wavelength infrared polarimetric imaging

AJ Yuffa, KP Gurton, G Videen - Applied optics, 2014 -
We use a polarimetric camera to record the Stokes parameters and the degree of linear
polarization of long-wavelength infrared radiation emitted by human faces. These Stokes …

Edge-Preserving Integration of a Normal Field: Weighted Least-Squares, TV and Approaches

Y Quéau, JD Durou - International Conference on Scale Space and …, 2015 - Springer
We introduce several new functionals, inspired from variational image denoising models, for
recovering a piecewise-smooth surface from a dense estimation of its normal field. In the …

Fast and accurate surface normal integration on non-rectangular domains

M Bähr, M Breuß, Y Quéau, AS Boroujerdi… - Computational Visual …, 2017 - Springer
The integration of surface normals for the purpose of computing the shape of a surface in 3D
space is a classic problem in computer vision. However, even nowadays it is still a …

Just look at the image: viewpoint-specific surface normal prediction for improved multi-view reconstruction

S Galliani, K Schindler - Proceedings of the IEEE …, 2016 -
We present a multi-view reconstruction method that combines conventional multi-view
stereo (MVS) with appearance-based normal prediction, to obtain dense and accurate 3D …

Highly efficient surface normal integration

M Breuß, Y Quéau, M Bähr, JD Durou - Conference Algoritmy 2016 …, 2016 -
The integration of surface normals for the computation of a surface in 3D space is a classic
problem in computer vision. However, even nowadays it is still a challenging task to device a …

Reconstruction tridimensionnelle par stéréophotométrie

Y Quéau - 2015 -
Cette thèse traite de la reconstruction 3D par stéréophotométrie, qui consiste à utiliser
plusieurs photographies d'une scène prises sous le même angle, mais sous différents …

An improved eikonal method for surface normal integration

M Bähr, M Breuß - Pattern Recognition: 37th German Conference, GCPR …, 2015 - Springer
The integration of surface normals is a classic problem in computer vision. Recently, an
approach to integration based on an equation of eikonal type has been proposed. A crucial …