[PDF][PDF] Efficiency and Reliability in Bringing AI into Transport and Smart Cities Solutions
JM Corchado - Proceedings of International Conference on Transport …, 2019 - core.ac.uk
Artificial Intelligence revived in the last decade. The need for progress, the growing
processing capacity and the low cost of the Cloud have facilitated the development of new …
processing capacity and the low cost of the Cloud have facilitated the development of new …
[PDF][PDF] Modelling the evolution of the Covid-19
JM Corchado - core.ac.uk
The COVID19 crisis has been affected by the need for more information as it is an unknown
virus. Until there have been further infections, it has not been known how it affected the …
virus. Until there have been further infections, it has not been known how it affected the …
[PDF][PDF] The role of the AIoT and deepint. net
JM Corchado - Retrieved from IEEE International Conference on …, 2020 - core.ac.uk
AIoT is a term, also known as intelligence of things, which refers to the new wave of the
future of technology that combines two major platforms, very present in today's market …
future of technology that combines two major platforms, very present in today's market …
[PDF][PDF] Covid-19
JM Corchado - ep00.epimg.net
El COVID-19 estaba concentrado en China en enero de 2020 y solo existía un goteo de
casos en otros países a través de viajes en avión. A final de mes había 10.000 casos en …
casos en otros países a través de viajes en avión. A final de mes había 10.000 casos en …
[PDF][PDF] Modelos Inteligentes para predicciones de epidemias
JM Corchado - core.ac.uk
La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) y en concreto el Machine Learning (ML) está siendo utilizada
para resolver diferentes problemas, desde la detección temprana de epidemias, al …
para resolver diferentes problemas, desde la detección temprana de epidemias, al …
[PDF][PDF] Technology for sustainable consumption
JM Corchado - core.ac.uk
Global warming is seen as a real threat to life on earth, for both human and animal species.
As our understanding grows regarding the high impact of human activity on climate change …
As our understanding grows regarding the high impact of human activity on climate change …
[PDF][PDF] AI for smart cities
JM Corchado - core.ac.uk
Artificial Intelligence revived in the last decade. The need for progress, the growing
processing capacity and the low cost of the Cloud have facilitated the development of new …
processing capacity and the low cost of the Cloud have facilitated the development of new …
[PDF][PDF] Blockchain and ai to flatten the curve
J Prieto Tejedor, JM Corchado Rodríguez - 2020 - gredos.usal.es
With our app we are trying to provide information gathered about the COVID-19 pandemic
and the evolution of the virus. We are also trying to support medical professionals and …
and the evolution of the virus. We are also trying to support medical professionals and …
[PDF][PDF] Managing smart cities with deepint. net
JM Corchado - decision-making, 2021 - core.ac.uk
In this keynote, the evolution of intelligent computer systems will be examined. The need for
human capital will be emphasised, as well as the need to follow one's “gut instinct” in …
human capital will be emphasised, as well as the need to follow one's “gut instinct” in …
[PDF][PDF] Learning AI with deepint. net
JM Corchado Rodríguez - 2021 - gredos.usal.es
This keynote will examine the evolution of intelligent computer systems over the last years,
underscoring the need for human capital in this field, so that further progress can be made …
underscoring the need for human capital in this field, so that further progress can be made …