Large magnetic cooling power involving frustrated antiferromagnetic spin-glass state in
The ternary intermetallic compounds Gd 2 NiSi 3 and Er 2 NiSi 3 are synthesized in
chemically single phase, which are characterized using dc magnetization, ac magnetic …
chemically single phase, which are characterized using dc magnetization, ac magnetic …
Glassy dynamics in a disordered Heisenberg quantum spin system
Understanding the dynamics of strongly interacting disordered quantum systems is one of
the most challenging problems in modern science, due to features such as the breakdown of …
the most challenging problems in modern science, due to features such as the breakdown of …
Hydrothermally grown hollandite manganese dioxide nanorods: evaluation of supercapattery performance and photocatalytic efficiency
A practical supercapattery electrode with photocatalytic efficiency is created using tunnel-
structured manganese dioxide nanostructure intercalated with K+ ions∝-K 0.18 MnO 2 …
structured manganese dioxide nanostructure intercalated with K+ ions∝-K 0.18 MnO 2 …
Magnetic frustration induced large magnetocaloric effect in the absence of long range magnetic order
We have synthesized a new intermetallic compound Ho2Ni0. 95Si2. 95 in a single phase
with a defect crystal structure. The magnetic ground state of this material found to be highly …
with a defect crystal structure. The magnetic ground state of this material found to be highly …
Hollandites' crystal chemistry, properties, and processing: A review
This review provides a broad overview of the structural characteristics, compositional
flexibility, and structure–property relationships of hollandite materials. Hollandites have a …
flexibility, and structure–property relationships of hollandite materials. Hollandites have a …
Scrutinizing the role of size reduction on the exchange bias and dynamic magnetic behavior in NiO nanoparticles
NiO nanoparticles (NPs) with a nominal size range of 2–10 nm, synthesized via high-
temperature pyrolysis of a nickel nitrate, have been extensively investigated using neutron …
temperature pyrolysis of a nickel nitrate, have been extensively investigated using neutron …
Magnetic phase inhomogeneity in frustrated intermetallic compound Sm2Ni0. 87Si2. 87
A new ternary compound Sm 2 Ni 0.87 Si 2.87, belonging to intermetallic R 2 TX 3 family
(R= rare-earth, T= transition metals, X= Si, Ge, etc.), could be synthesized in single phase …
(R= rare-earth, T= transition metals, X= Si, Ge, etc.), could be synthesized in single phase …
Electronic and magnetic properties of -MnO from ab initio calculations
α-MnO 2, an active catalyst for oxygen reduction and evolution reactions, has been
investigated using ab initio calculations with different exchange-correlation functionals: the …
investigated using ab initio calculations with different exchange-correlation functionals: the …
Hollandites as a new class of multiferroics
Discovery of new complex oxides that exhibit both magnetic and ferroelectric properties is of
great interest for the design of functional magnetoelectrics, in which research is driven by the …
great interest for the design of functional magnetoelectrics, in which research is driven by the …
Projective symmetry group classification of Abrikosov fermion mean-field ansätze on the square-octagon lattice
We perform a projective symmetry group (PSG) classification of symmetric quantum spin
liquids with different gauge groups on the square-octagon lattice. Employing the Abrikosov …
liquids with different gauge groups on the square-octagon lattice. Employing the Abrikosov …