A brief survey on numerical methods for solving singularly perturbed problems

MK Kadalbajoo, V Gupta - Applied mathematics and computation, 2010 - Elsevier
In the present paper, a brief survey on computational techniques for the different classes of
singularly perturbed problems is given. This survey is a continuation of work performed …

A survey on parametric spline function approximation

A Khan, I Khan, T Aziz - Applied mathematics and computation, 2005 - Elsevier
This survey paper contains a large amount of material and indeed can serve as an
introduction to some of the ideas and methods for the solution of ordinary and partial …

A collection of computational techniques for solving singular boundary-value problems

M Kumar, N Singh - Advances in Engineering Software, 2009 - Elsevier
The objective of this paper is a wide survey and classification of various computational
techniques which are used for solving singular boundary-value problems. Here, we have …

Sextic spline solution of a singularly perturbed boundary-value problems

A Khan, I Khan, T Aziz - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2006 - Elsevier
A sixth-order uniform mesh difference scheme using sextic splines for solving a self-adjoint
singularly perturbed two-point boundary-value problem arising in the study of chemical …

Non-polynomial spline solution of singularly perturbed boundary-value problems

IA Tirmizi - Applied mathematics and computation, 2008 - Elsevier
A generalized scheme based on quartic non-polynomial spline functions is proposed. This
scheme is designed for numerical solution of singularly perturbed two-point boundary-value …

[PDF][PDF] Solution of a fourth order singularly perturbed boundary value problem using quintic spline

G Akram, N Amin - Int. Math. Forum, 2012 - m-hikari.com
Solution of a Fourth Order Singularly Perturbed Boundary Value Problem Using Quintic
Spline 1 Introduction Page 1 International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 7, 2012, no. 44, 2179 …

[HTML][HTML] Numerical study of self-adjoint singularly perturbed two-point boundary value problems using collocation method with error estimation

KK Ali, AR Hadhoud, MA Shaalan - Journal of Ocean Engineering and …, 2018 - Elsevier
A numerical treatment for self-adjoint singularly perturbed second-order two-point boundary
value problems using trigonometric quintic B-splines is presented, which depend on …

Robust numerical scheme for nonlinear modified Burgers equation

C Lakshmi, A Awasthi - International Journal of Computer …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT A new and efficient numerical scheme for approximating one-dimensional
nonlinear modified Burgers equation has been illustrated in this study. The method makes …

Non-polynomial sextic spline solution of singularly perturbed boundary-value problems

A Khan, P Khandelwal - International Journal of Computer …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper, we develop a generalized scheme based on non-polynomial sextic spline for
the numerical solution of second-order singularly perturbed two-point boundary-value …

[HTML][HTML] Septic B-spline method for second order self-adjoint singularly perturbed boundary-value problems

RK Lodhi, HK Mishra - Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2018 - Elsevier
In the present paper, we develop a septic B-spline method for solving a self-adjoint
singularly perturbed two-point boundary value problem. This method is applied directly to …