Fractional calculus in mathematical oncology
Even though, nowadays, cancer is one of the leading causes of death, too little is known
about the behavior of this disease due to its unpredictability from one patient to another …
about the behavior of this disease due to its unpredictability from one patient to another …
Experimental Closed‐Loop Control of Breast Cancer in Mice
Cancer therapy optimization is an issue that can be solved using the control engineering
approach. An optimal therapy generation algorithm is presented and tested using a tractable …
approach. An optimal therapy generation algorithm is presented and tested using a tractable …
Indirect supervised fine-tuning of a tumor model parameter estimator neural network
Personalized therapy based on mathematical foundations is a promising method for treating
various types of cancer. By identifying the parameters of mathematical equations, we could …
various types of cancer. By identifying the parameters of mathematical equations, we could …
Clustering-based parameter estimation of a tumor model
In the field of medical research, therapy optimization is a crucial area that deserves
significant attention. In chemotherapy, tumor modeling plays an essential role in describing …
significant attention. In chemotherapy, tumor modeling plays an essential role in describing …
[PDF][PDF] Chemotherapy optimization and patient model parameter estimation based on noisy measurements
The application of the achievements of mathematics and informatics greatly helped the
development of medicine. Designing personalized therapies using different algorithms is …
development of medicine. Designing personalized therapies using different algorithms is …
Tumor model parameter estimation for therapy optimization using artificial neural networks
Therapy optimization and personalization in cancer treatment requires reliable mathematical
models. A key issue in personalization is the identification of the model parameters. We …
models. A key issue in personalization is the identification of the model parameters. We …
Time-varying parameter identification of a tumor growth model using moving horizon estimation
A nonlinear Moving Horizon Estimator (MHE) was developed which can estimate the time-
varying parameters of a tumor growth model under chemotherapeutic treatment. We …
varying parameters of a tumor growth model under chemotherapeutic treatment. We …
The effect of the choice of initial estimation for a tumor model parameter estimation problem
Cyber-medical systems provides lots of possibilities that help doctors plan more effective
treatments. A reliable mathematical model that can be customized is essential for therapy …
treatments. A reliable mathematical model that can be customized is essential for therapy …
Tracking parameter changes of an impulsive tumor growth model
Personalization of chemotherapy requires a mathematical model tailored to the patient. The
tailoring requires the knowledge of the parameters specific to the patient, however, these …
tailoring requires the knowledge of the parameters specific to the patient, however, these …
[PDF][PDF] General chemotherapy protocols
A Moustafid¹ - Journal of Applied Dynamic Systems and Control, 2021 - journals.iau.ir
In this paper we treat the problem of cancer control by chemotherapy, through general
model in ordinary differential equation form of tumor dynamics. The model is augmented by …
model in ordinary differential equation form of tumor dynamics. The model is augmented by …