The evolution, ecology, and conservation of hummingbirds and their interactions with flowering plants
The ecological co‐dependency between plants and hummingbirds is a classic example of a
mutualistic interaction: hummingbirds rely on floral nectar to fuel their rapid metabolisms …
mutualistic interaction: hummingbirds rely on floral nectar to fuel their rapid metabolisms …
Landscape configurational heterogeneity by small-scale agriculture, not crop diversity, maintains pollinators and plant reproduction in western Europe
Agricultural intensification is one of the main causes for the current biodiversity crisis. While
reversing habitat loss on agricultural land is challenging, increasing the farmland …
reversing habitat loss on agricultural land is challenging, increasing the farmland …
[ספר][B] Dispersal ecology and evolution
J Clobert - 2012 -
Now that so many ecosystems face rapid and major environmental change, the ability of
species to respond to these changes by dispersing or moving between different patches of …
species to respond to these changes by dispersing or moving between different patches of …
Guidelines for genetic monitoring of translocated plant populations
Plant translocation is a useful tool for implementing assisted gene flow in recovery plans of
critically endangered plant species. Although it helps to restore genetically viable …
critically endangered plant species. Although it helps to restore genetically viable …
Producing native plant materials for restoration: 10 rules to collect and maintain genetic diversity
Ecological restoration aims to assist the recovery of degraded, damaged, or destroyed
ecosystems. Restoration practitioners increasingly recognize the value of using ecologically …
ecosystems. Restoration practitioners increasingly recognize the value of using ecologically …
Corridors restore animal-mediated pollination in fragmented tropical forest landscapes
Tropical biodiversity and associated ecosystem functions have become heavily eroded
through habitat loss. Animal-mediated pollination is required in more than 94% of higher …
through habitat loss. Animal-mediated pollination is required in more than 94% of higher …
Road verges are corridors and roads barriers for the movement of flower‐visiting insects
Roads and road verges can potentially have opposite impacts on organisms that move
through the landscape. While road verges can be habitat for a large number of species, and …
through the landscape. While road verges can be habitat for a large number of species, and …
Genetic monitoring of translocated plant populations in practice
Plant translocations allow the restoration of genetic diversity in inbred and depauperate
populations and help to prevent the extinction of critically endangered species. However, the …
populations and help to prevent the extinction of critically endangered species. However, the …
Roadside habitat: Boon or bane for pollinating insects?
Pollinators, which provide vital services to wild ecosystems and agricultural crops, are facing
global declines and habitat loss. As undeveloped land becomes increasingly scarce, much …
global declines and habitat loss. As undeveloped land becomes increasingly scarce, much …
Nectar chemistry mediates the behavior of parasitized bees: consequences for plant fitness
Plants produce an array of secondary metabolites that play important ecological roles as anti‐
herbivore and anti‐pathogen defenses. Many herbivores experience physiological costs …
herbivore and anti‐pathogen defenses. Many herbivores experience physiological costs …