Electron power-law spectra in solar and space plasmas
M Oka, J Birn, M Battaglia, CC Chaston, SM Hatch… - Space Science …, 2018 - Springer
Particles are accelerated to very high, non-thermal energies in solar and space plasma
environments. While energy spectra of accelerated electrons often exhibit a power law, it …
environments. While energy spectra of accelerated electrons often exhibit a power law, it …
Dawn–dusk asymmetries in the coupled solar wind–magnetosphere–ionosphere system: A review
Dawn–dusk asymmetries are ubiquitous features of the coupled solar-wind–magnetosphere–
ionosphere system. During the last decades, increasing availability of satellite and ground …
ionosphere system. During the last decades, increasing availability of satellite and ground …
[ספר][B] The THEMIS mission
V Angelopoulos - 2009 - Springer
Abstract The Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms
(THEMIS) mission is the fifth NASA Medium-class Explorer (MIDEX), launched on February …
(THEMIS) mission is the fifth NASA Medium-class Explorer (MIDEX), launched on February …
THEMIS observations of an earthward‐propagating dipolarization front
We report THEMIS observations of a dipolarization front, a sharp, large‐amplitude increase
in the Z‐component of the magnetic field. The front was detected in the central plasma sheet …
in the Z‐component of the magnetic field. The front was detected in the central plasma sheet …
On the current sheets surrounding dipolarizing flux bundles in the magnetotail: The case for wedgelets
Using Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms observations
from four tail seasons, we study the three‐dimensional structure of the dipolarization front …
from four tail seasons, we study the three‐dimensional structure of the dipolarization front …
Current disruption in the Earth's magnetosphere: Observations and models
ATY Lui - Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 1996 - Wiley Online Library
Observations and models of current disruption in the Earth's magnetosphere are briefly
reviewed. At the approach of current disruption onset, the cross‐tail current sheet shows a …
reviewed. At the approach of current disruption onset, the cross‐tail current sheet shows a …
Braking of high‐speed flows in the near‐Earth tail
We have studied possible braking mechanisms of high‐speed ion flows in the near‐Earth
central plasma sheet for radial distances between 9 and 19 Earth Radii (RE) on the basis of …
central plasma sheet for radial distances between 9 and 19 Earth Radii (RE) on the basis of …
Dipolarization fronts as a signature of transient reconnection in the magnetotail
Dipolarization fronts (DFs), characterized by a strong and steep increase of the tail magnetic
field component Bz normal to the neutral plane and preceded by a much less negative dip of …
field component Bz normal to the neutral plane and preceded by a much less negative dip of …
Bursty bulk flows and dipolarization in MHD simulations of magnetotail reconnection
Using three‐dimensional MHD simulations of magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail, we
investigate the fate of earthward bursty bulk flows (BBFs). The flow bursts are identified as …
investigate the fate of earthward bursty bulk flows (BBFs). The flow bursts are identified as …
High‐speed ion flow, substorm current wedge, and multiple Pi 2 pulsations
We have studied the onset timing of earthward high‐speed ion flow observed by the
AMPTE/IRM satellite at 12.3 Earth radii (RE) and 0100 MLT in the central plasma sheet …
AMPTE/IRM satellite at 12.3 Earth radii (RE) and 0100 MLT in the central plasma sheet …