[HTML][HTML] Optimal placement, sizing and coordination of FACTS devices in transmission network using whale optimization algorithm
Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) play an important role in minimizing power
losses and voltage deviations while increasing the real power transfer capacity of …
losses and voltage deviations while increasing the real power transfer capacity of …
Unified power flow controllers in smart power systems: models, methods, and future research
Power flow control has become increasingly important in recent years in the area of smart
power systems that have to integrate increased shares of variable renewable energy …
power systems that have to integrate increased shares of variable renewable energy …
A multi-objective probabilistic approach for smart voltage control in wind-energy integrated networks considering correlated parameters
Renewable and sustainable energies such as wind power generation are increasingly
integrated into electric grids due to their various technical, environmental, and economic …
integrated into electric grids due to their various technical, environmental, and economic …
Optimal allocation of static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) in wind-integrated power system considering predictability
The state of power systems is getting more and more unpredictable, by ever-increasing
integration of renewable energy sources such as wind turbines. In addition to renewable …
integration of renewable energy sources such as wind turbines. In addition to renewable …
Approach for the solution of transmission congestion with multi‐type FACTS devices
This study presents gravitational search algorithm (GSA)‐based optimisation technique for
the optimum co‐ordination of multi‐type flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices …
the optimum co‐ordination of multi‐type flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices …
Multiobjective predictability-based optimal placement and parameters setting of UPFC in wind power included power systems
Uncertainty management is a challenging task in decision making of the operators of the
power systems. Prediction of the system state is vital for the operation of a system with …
power systems. Prediction of the system state is vital for the operation of a system with …
Impact of soft open point (SOP) on distribution network predictability
With the increasing penetration of renewable energy sources (RESs), the consequent rising
levels of uncertainty faces distribution network operators with significant decision-making …
levels of uncertainty faces distribution network operators with significant decision-making …
Optimal voltage set-point of automatic tap changer transformers and generators and reactive power compensation to increase power system predictability
In recent years, renewable energy sources (RESs) such as wind turbines (WTs) have
received much attention in both the operating and planning of power systems. These …
received much attention in both the operating and planning of power systems. These …
Probabilistic load flow using the particle swarm optimisation clustering method
In this study, a clustering scheme based on the particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm
is used for probabilistic load flow calculation in the presence of wind generations. In this …
is used for probabilistic load flow calculation in the presence of wind generations. In this …
A new approach for probabilistic harmonic load flow in distribution systems based on data clustering
Due to the ever-increasing use of non-linear loads and their undesired effects on distribution
systems operation, harmonic analysis should be taken into consideration. On the other …
systems operation, harmonic analysis should be taken into consideration. On the other …