Heart rate as a measure of emotional arousal in evolutionary biology

CAF Wascher - … Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2021 - royalsocietypublishing.org
How individuals interact with their environment and respond to changes is a key area of
research in evolutionary biology. A physiological parameter that provides an instant proxy …

Utility of biological sensor tags in animal conservation

ADM Wilson, M Wikelski, RP Wilson… - Conservation …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Electronic tags (both biotelemetry and biologging platforms) have informed conservation
and resource management policy and practice by providing vital information on the spatial …

Heart rate responses provide an objective evaluation of human disturbance stimuli in breeding birds

U Ellenberg, T Mattern, PJ Seddon - Conservation Physiology, 2013 - academic.oup.com
Intuition is a poor guide for evaluating the effects of human disturbance on wildlife. Using the
endangered Yellow-eyed penguin, Megadyptes antipodes, as an example, we show that …

Repeatability of alert and flight initiation distances in king penguins: Effects of colony, approach speed, and weather

TL Hammer, P Bize, C Saraux, B Gineste, JP Robin… - Ethology, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Alert distance (AD) and flight initiation distance (FID) are popular measures used to explore
the reaction of prey to approaching predators, and thus the economics underlying optimal …

Human activities at night negatively impact Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) numbers and behaviours

EC Costello, D Colombelli‐Négrel - Ibis, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The presence of humans within the natural environment is increasing worldwide. Assessing
the impact of such activities on wildlife is crucial for declining populations where human …

A physiological cost to behavioural tolerance

A Charuvi, D Lees, HK Glover, AR Rendall, P Dann… - Behavioural …, 2020 - Elsevier
Few studies of animal escape behaviour simultaneously investigate behavioural and
physiological responses. Differences between these response types, however, have …

Exposure amplitude and repetition affect bottlenose dolphin behavioral responses to simulated mid-frequency sonar signals

DS Houser, SW Martin, JJ Finneran - Journal of Experimental Marine …, 2013 - Elsevier
Thirty bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) participated in a controlled exposure study
using an acoustic stimulus that consisted of a simulated tactical sonar signal (1-s duration …

Long-term capture and handling effects on body condition, reproduction and survival in a semi-aquatic mammal

RM Mortensen, F Rosell - Scientific Reports, 2020 - nature.com
In long-term individual-based field studies, several parameters need to be assessed
repeatedly to fully understand the potential fitness effects on individuals. Often studies only …

Evaluating the impact of handling and logger attachment on foraging parameters and physiology in southern rockhopper penguins

K Ludynia, N Dehnhard, M Poisbleau, L Demongin… - PLoS …, 2012 - journals.plos.org
Logger technology has revolutionised our knowledge of the behaviour and physiology of
free-living animals but handling and logger attachments may have negative effects on the …

[PDF][PDF] Effects of crowd size, composition, and noise level on pool use in a mixed-species penguin colony

AN Edes, E Baskir, KL Bauman… - Anim. Behav …, 2021 - animalbehaviorandcognition.org
Studies on how visitors affect penguins in human care report a mixture of negative, neutral,
and positive impacts on behavior and physiology. Swimming is a highly motivated behavior …