[HTML][HTML] Benefits and challenges of teleworking for a sustainable future: Knowledge gained through experience in the era of COVID-19
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, working from home has become the norm for millions of
workers worldwide. The purpose of this research was to analyze the benefits and challenges …
workers worldwide. The purpose of this research was to analyze the benefits and challenges …
The new trends of digital transformation and artificial intelligence in public administration
A Androniceanu - Revista» Administratie si Management Public «(RAMP …, 2023 - ceeol.com
Digital transformation and artificial intelligence are major challenges for a diversity of fields.
The central and local administrations of the states need major and deep structural changes …
The central and local administrations of the states need major and deep structural changes …
[HTML][HTML] A review of telework in the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned for work-life balance?
CL Atkinson - COVID, 2022 - mdpi.com
The rationale for this review paper is to take stock of the current knowledge in the literature
on the intersection of telework and work–life balance—an area that has grown in importance …
on the intersection of telework and work–life balance—an area that has grown in importance …
[HTML][HTML] Telework in Baltic countries during the pandemic: effects on wellbeing, job satisfaction, and work-life balance
As a result of the rapid and unplanned adoption of telework by European companies during
the pandemic, specific telework characteristics have arisen. Thus, employees' experience of …
the pandemic, specific telework characteristics have arisen. Thus, employees' experience of …
Main factors and causes that are influencing the digital competences of human resources
The integration of digital technologies in public administration is influenced by the digital
competences of human resources. The objectives of this research are to identify the main …
competences of human resources. The objectives of this research are to identify the main …
Employment risks under the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic and their impact on changes in economic behaviour
Objective: The article aims to study the risks of employment under the conditions of the
COVID-19 pandemic, their differences depending on the specifics of professional activity …
COVID-19 pandemic, their differences depending on the specifics of professional activity …
Relationships between leadership style and organizational commitment: The moderating role of the system of work
The article fills a crucial gap in the literature in the area of relationships between leadership
style and organizational commitment. In spite of the actuality of the theoretical nature and …
style and organizational commitment. In spite of the actuality of the theoretical nature and …
The empowerment of artificial intelligence in post-digital organizations: exploring human interactions with supervisory AI
Technology evolves together with humans. Across industrial revolutions, its role has evolved
from that of a simple tool used by humans to that of intelligent decision-maker and …
from that of a simple tool used by humans to that of intelligent decision-maker and …
Female labour force participation and the economic development in Egypt
EAM Omran, Y Bilan - European Journal of Interdisciplinary …, 2022 - publikace.k.utb.cz
Economic literature highlights the vital role that women can play in enhancing the economic
development of nations. However, there is still gender inequality in develo** countries …
development of nations. However, there is still gender inequality in develo** countries …
Determinants of perceived performance during telework: evidence from Romania
This article confronts telework issues by analyzing how certain factors (motivation,
dependence on coordination, self-organizing abilities and stress) impact job performance …
dependence on coordination, self-organizing abilities and stress) impact job performance …