[HTML][HTML] Carpathian forests: past and recent developments

D Kholiavchuk, W Gurgiser, S Mayr - Forests, 2023 - mdpi.com
Forests of the Carpathians are of increasing research interest, as they cover a large area (>
9 Mha) within European forests and are influenced by diverse environmental conditions and …

Characterization of trace metal particles deposited on some deciduous tree leaves in an urban area

M Tomašević, Z Vukmirović, S Rajšić, M Tasić… - Chemosphere, 2005 - Elsevier
In 1996 and 1997 horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) and Turkish hazel (Corulys
colurna L.) leaves were sampled at 2m height in the Belgrade Botanic Garden, located in an …

Afforestation of Land Abandoned by Farmers Poses Threat to Forest Sustainability Due to Heterobasidion spp.

T Oszako, O Kukina, V Dyshko, WK Moser, S Ślusarski… - Forests, 2023 - mdpi.com
Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. sensu lato (sl) is a dangerous forest pathogen causing
root and butt rot disease in most conifers of the northern hemisphere. This pathogen is most …

Heavy metals accumulation in tree leaves from urban areas

M Tomašević, S Rajšić, D Đorđević, M Tasić… - Environmental …, 2004 - Springer
Higher plants may be used as biomonitors for the assessment of atmospheric heavy metal
pollution by means of their bioaccumulative properties. We evaluated the reliability of …

Leaf surface structure alterations due to particulate pollution in some common plants

A Rai, K Kulshreshtha, PK Srivastava, CS Mohanty - The Environmentalist, 2010 - Springer
The plant foliar surface is the most important receptor of atmospheric pollutants. It undergoes
several structural and functional changes when particulate-laden air strikes it. In the present …

Deciduous tree leaves in trace elements biomonitoring: A contribution to methodology

M Tomašević, M Aničić, L Jovanović, A Perić-Grujić… - Ecological …, 2011 - Elsevier
Air quality biomonitoring using plant leaves has been widely applied to assess the effects of
atmospheric pollution. Although practiced for many years, it has not given completely …

Accumulative response of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) to heavy metals enhanced by Pb-Zn ore mining and processing plants …

M Pająk, W Halecki, M Gąsiorek - Chemosphere, 2017 - Elsevier
Plants have an accumulative response to heavy metals present in soils or deposited from
airborne sources of emissions. Therefore, their tissues are very often used in studies of …

Phosphorus supply and cycling at long-term forest monitoring sites in Germany

K Ilg, N Wellbrock, W Lux - European journal of forest research, 2009 - Springer
In this study, the supply and input–output balances of phosphorus (P) were investigated for a
10-year-period at 85 long-term monitoring sites in German forest ecosystems under the …

Biomonitoring of airborne heavy metal contamination

M Hoodaji, M Ataabadi, P Najafi - Air Pollut.–Monit., Model …, 2012 - books.google.com
During the last few decades, heavy metal contamination of biotic component of environment
has attracted the attention of many investigators. The main reason of these researches …

The effect of selected gaseous air pollutants on woody plants

M Baciak, K Warmiński, A Bęś - 2015 - open.icm.edu.pl
The article discusses gaseous air pollutants that have the greatest impact on forest
ecosystems. This group of pollutants ncludes sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitric oxides (NO and …