Recent advancements in optimization methods for wind turbine airfoil design: A review
Airfoil are the key factor that plays a decisive role for maximizing the power utilization. Aim of
this review paper is to deliver a literature survey on the research efforts for airfoil design …
this review paper is to deliver a literature survey on the research efforts for airfoil design …
Transfer-Learning-Enhanced Regression Generative Adversarial Networks for Optimal eVTOL Takeoff Trajectory Prediction
Electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft represent a crucial aviation technology
to transform future transportation systems. The unique characteristics of eVTOL aircraft …
to transform future transportation systems. The unique characteristics of eVTOL aircraft …
[HTML][HTML] Optimal Tilt-Wing eVTOL Takeoff Trajectory Prediction Using Regression Generative Adversarial Networks
Electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft have attracted tremendous attention
nowadays due to their flexible maneuverability, precise control, cost efficiency, and low …
nowadays due to their flexible maneuverability, precise control, cost efficiency, and low …
Injection of LOX spray in Methane cross-flow RANS modeling uncertainty quantification
View Video Presentation: https://doi. org/10.2514/6.2021-3570. vid This work presents the
numerical characterization under uncertainty of a pintle-injector liquid rocket engine thrust …
numerical characterization under uncertainty of a pintle-injector liquid rocket engine thrust …
Effective formulations of optimization under uncertainty for aerospace design
LW Cook - 2018 - repository.cam.ac.uk
Formulations of optimization under uncertainty (OUU) commonly used in aerospace design—
those based on treating statistical moments of the quantity of interest (QOI) as separate …
those based on treating statistical moments of the quantity of interest (QOI) as separate …
Optimization in probabilistic domains: an engineering approach
The uncertain nature of engineering variables and parameters dictates the transition of
engineering design from global exploration and deterministic optimization to the uncertainty …
engineering design from global exploration and deterministic optimization to the uncertainty …
A model for enhancing customer satisfaction for quality services and awareness through community participation
M Umar Bello - 2018 - eprints.uthm.edu.my
Customer satisfaction as a means of measuring government performance has been on top
of global debates of developmental programs at local government. The background of this …
of global debates of developmental programs at local government. The background of this …