[HTML][HTML] Estimating surface solar irradiance from satellites: Past, present, and future perspectives
Abstract Surface Solar Irradiance (SSI) is a key parameter dictating surface-atmosphere
interactions, driving radiative, hydrological, and land surface processes, and can thus …
interactions, driving radiative, hydrological, and land surface processes, and can thus …
Clear sky solar irradiance models: A review of seventy models
Clear sky solar irradiance parametric models seek to simplify the atmospheric attenuation
with relatively simple parameterizations in order to estimate solar irradiance under clear sky …
with relatively simple parameterizations in order to estimate solar irradiance under clear sky …
Solar radiation prediction using different machine learning algorithms and implications for extreme climate events
L Huang, J Kang, M Wan, L Fang, C Zhang… - Frontiers in Earth …, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Solar radiation is the Earth's primary source of energy and has an important role in the
surface radiation balance, hydrological cycles, vegetation photosynthesis, and weather and …
surface radiation balance, hydrological cycles, vegetation photosynthesis, and weather and …
[ספר][B] Best practices handbook for the collection and use of solar resource data for solar energy applications
M Sengupta, A Habte, S Wilbert, CA Gueymard… - 2024 - elib.dlr.de
Solar energy technologies—such as solar photovoltaics (PV), solar heating and cooling, and
concentrating solar power—provide solutions to the growing need for clean energy to …
concentrating solar power—provide solutions to the growing need for clean energy to …
A review of validation methodologies and statistical performance indicators for modeled solar radiation data: Towards a better bankability of solar projects
In the context of the current rapid development of large-scale solar power projects, the
accuracy of the modeled radiation datasets regularly used by many different interest groups …
accuracy of the modeled radiation datasets regularly used by many different interest groups …
On downward shortwave and longwave radiations over high altitude regions: Observation and modeling in the Tibetan Plateau
The downward solar or shortwave radiation (SWD) and atmospheric longwave radiation
(LWD) play essential roles in controlling alpine environment and ecosystem. Meanwhile …
(LWD) play essential roles in controlling alpine environment and ecosystem. Meanwhile …
Global horizontal irradiance clear sky models: implementation and analysis.
Clear sky models estimate the terrestrial solar radiation under a cloudless sky as a function
of the solar elevation angle, site altitude, aerosol concentration, water vapor, and various …
of the solar elevation angle, site altitude, aerosol concentration, water vapor, and various …
Predicting solar radiation at high resolutions: A comparison of time series forecasts
The increasing use of solar power as a source of electricity has led to increased interest in
forecasting radiation over short time horizons. The relevant horizons for generation and …
forecasting radiation over short time horizons. The relevant horizons for generation and …
[ספר][B] Solar radiation and daylight models
T Muneer - 2007 - taylorfrancis.com
The cost of operating a building far exceeds the cost of constructing it, and yet until recently
little attention was paid to the impact of solar radiation on the costs of heating, cooling and …
little attention was paid to the impact of solar radiation on the costs of heating, cooling and …
Choice of clear-sky model in solar forecasting
This paper is concerned with the choice of clear-sky model in solar forecasting. This issue is
discussed from three perspectives:(1) accessibility,(2) forecast performance, and (3) …
discussed from three perspectives:(1) accessibility,(2) forecast performance, and (3) …