Fermion disorder operator at gross-neveu and deconfined quantum criticalities
The fermion disorder operator has been shown to reveal the entanglement information in 1D
Luttinger liquids and 2D free and interacting Fermi and non-Fermi liquids emerging at …
Luttinger liquids and 2D free and interacting Fermi and non-Fermi liquids emerging at …
Quantum phase transitions in Dirac fermion systems
A key problem in the field of quantum criticality is to understand the nature of quantum phase
transitions in systems of interacting itinerant fermions, motivated by experiments on a variety …
transitions in systems of interacting itinerant fermions, motivated by experiments on a variety …
Quantum Electrodynamics in Dimensions as the Organizing Principle of a Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet
Quantum electrodynamics in 2+ 1 dimensions (QED 3) has been proposed as a critical field
theory describing the low-energy effective theory of a putative algebraic Dirac spin liquid or …
theory describing the low-energy effective theory of a putative algebraic Dirac spin liquid or …
Gapless topological phases and symmetry-enriched quantum criticality
We introduce topological invariants for gapless systems and study the associated boundary
phenomena. More generally, the symmetry properties of the low-energy conformal field …
phenomena. More generally, the symmetry properties of the low-energy conformal field …
Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of the chiral Heisenberg Gross-Neveu-Yukawa phase transition with a single Dirac cone
We present quantum Monte Carlo simulations for the chiral Heisenberg Gross-Neveu-
Yukawa quantum phase transition of relativistic fermions with N= 4 Dirac spinor components …
Yukawa quantum phase transition of relativistic fermions with N= 4 Dirac spinor components …
Extracting the speed of light from matrix product states
We provide evidence that the spectrum of the local effective Hamiltonian and the transfer
operator in infinite-system matrix product state simulations are identical up to a global …
operator in infinite-system matrix product state simulations are identical up to a global …
Fractionalized quantum criticality in spin-orbital liquids from field theory beyond the leading order
Two-dimensional spin-orbital magnets with strong exchange frustration have recently been
predicted to facilitate the realization of a quantum critical point in the Gross-Neveu-SO (3) …
predicted to facilitate the realization of a quantum critical point in the Gross-Neveu-SO (3) …
Emergent symmetries and coexisting orders in Dirac fermion systems
We consider interacting (2+ 1)-dimensional Dirac fermions with competing symmetry-
breaking electronic instabilities, as described by relativistic quantum field theories of the …
breaking electronic instabilities, as described by relativistic quantum field theories of the …
Phase diagrams of SO() Majorana-Hubbard models: Dimerization, internal symmetry breaking, and fluctuation-induced first-order transitions
We study the zero-temperature phase diagrams of Majorana-Hubbard models with SO (N)
symmetry on two-dimensional honeycomb and π-flux square lattices, using mean-field and …
symmetry on two-dimensional honeycomb and π-flux square lattices, using mean-field and …
Decoding conformal field theories: From supervised to unsupervised learning
We use machine learning to classify rational two-dimensional conformal field theories
(CFTs). We first use the energy spectra of these minimal models to train a supervised …
(CFTs). We first use the energy spectra of these minimal models to train a supervised …