[HTML][HTML] Drivers of zoonotic disease risk in the Indian subcontinent: A sco** review
Literature on potential anthropogenic drivers of zoonotic disease risk in the Indian
subcontinent is sparse. We conducted a sco** review to identify primary sources …
subcontinent is sparse. We conducted a sco** review to identify primary sources …
Estimates of the economic cost caused by five major reproductive problems in dairy animals in Assam and Bihar, India
RP Deka, U Magnusson, D Grace, TF Randolph… - Animals, 2021 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Large ruminant dairy animals (ie, cattle and buffalo) suffer from several
reproductive problems (such as abortion) that reduce ther ability to produce milk and …
reproductive problems (such as abortion) that reduce ther ability to produce milk and …
Knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of ruminant livestock farmers related to zoonotic diseases in Elassona Municipality, Greece
A Moutos, C Doxani, I Stefanidis, E Zintzaras… - European Journal of …, 2022 - mdpi.com
Zoonotic diseases represent a significant health and economic burden in countries that rely
on small ruminant milk production, such as Greece. Greece is endemic for many zoonotic …
on small ruminant milk production, such as Greece. Greece is endemic for many zoonotic …
[HTML][HTML] Understanding antibiotic usage on small-scale dairy farms in the Indian states of Assam and Haryana using a mixed-methods approach—Outcomes and …
N Kumar, G Sharma, E Leahy, BR Shome… - Antibiotics, 2021 - mdpi.com
The use and misuse of antibiotics in both humans and animals contributes to the global
emergence of antimicrobial resistant (AMR) bacteria, a threat to public health and infection …
emergence of antimicrobial resistant (AMR) bacteria, a threat to public health and infection …
[HTML][HTML] Brucellosis in India: Comparing exposure amongst veterinarians, para-veterinarians and animal handlers
The exposure to Brucella species is an occupational hazard for veterinary personnel in
India. In our previous study, paraveterinarians and animal handlers were found to be at …
India. In our previous study, paraveterinarians and animal handlers were found to be at …
Farmer's knowledge and suggested approaches for controlling aflatoxin contamination of raw milk in Pakistan
Monitoring of aflatoxin levels in milk is often complicated in develo** countries due to the
dominance of informal markets channeling milk in raw form. Farmer's awareness and …
dominance of informal markets channeling milk in raw form. Farmer's awareness and …
Ruminant farmers' knowledge, attitude and practices towards zoonotic diseases in Selangor, Malaysia
This study aimed to assess knowledge, attitude and practices about zoonotic diseases and
associated factors among ruminant farmers in Selangor, Malaysia. A cross-sectional survey …
associated factors among ruminant farmers in Selangor, Malaysia. A cross-sectional survey …
Seroprevalence and risk factors of Brucella infection in dairy animals in urban and rural areas of Bihar and Assam, India
RP Deka, R Shome, I Dohoo, U Magnusson… - Microorganisms, 2021 - mdpi.com
This study assessed seropositivity of Brucella infection in dairy animals and risk factors
associated with it. The cross-sectional study used multi-stage, random sampling in the states …
associated with it. The cross-sectional study used multi-stage, random sampling in the states …
The knowledge, attitudes, and practices of smallholder cattle farmers concerning the epidemiology of bovine fasciolosis in the North West Province, South Africa
Bovine fasciolosis has negative impacts on cattle production worldwide, more so on the
African continent and especially in smallholder farming areas with limited level of …
African continent and especially in smallholder farming areas with limited level of …
[HTML][HTML] Abattoir-based serological surveillance and spatial risk analysis of foot-and-mouth disease, brucellosis, and Q fever in Lao PDR large ruminants
J Siengsanan-Lamont, W Theppangna… - Tropical Medicine and …, 2022 - mdpi.com
A national animal disease surveillance network initiated by the Lao PDR government is
adopted and reinforced by a joint research project between the National Animal Health …
adopted and reinforced by a joint research project between the National Animal Health …