The impact of MMP on recovery factor during CO2–EOR in unconventional liquid reservoirs
Abstract In our previous publications (;,;), we presented a philosophy for the operation of gas
injection processes in unconventional liquid reservoirs (ULR) that consisted in using a huff …
injection processes in unconventional liquid reservoirs (ULR) that consisted in using a huff …
Impact of pore compressibility and connectivity loss on shale permeability
We present a novel approach to describe how micro-fracture closure, pore volume
compressibility, and connectivity loss change intrinsic permeability of shale formations as a …
compressibility, and connectivity loss change intrinsic permeability of shale formations as a …
Interplay between pore connectivity and permeability in shale sample
Shale formations demonstrate distinct characteristics, such as a wide spectrum of pore size
from micro-scale to nano-scale, limited pore connectivity and ultra-low permeability. Despite …
from micro-scale to nano-scale, limited pore connectivity and ultra-low permeability. Despite …
Pore compressibility of shale formations
This study introduces a novel outlook on a shale-pore system and on the potential effect of
pore compressibility on the production performance. We divide porosity of the system into …
pore compressibility on the production performance. We divide porosity of the system into …
Evaluation of accessible porosity using mercury injection capillary pressure data in shale samples
We present a novel approach to correct accessible/fluid-saturated porosity values calculated
using mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP) for shale samples. On the basis of recent …
using mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP) for shale samples. On the basis of recent …
A new approach to measuring organic density
Shale oil and gas have become important hydrocarbon resources for North America.
Despite successful technological developments, formation evaluation faces some significant …
Despite successful technological developments, formation evaluation faces some significant …
Pore connectivity between different wettability systems in organic-rich shales
Pore connectivity controls fluid flow in porous media. Well-established methods such as
permeability measurements or mercury-injection porosimetry are used to evaluate pore …
permeability measurements or mercury-injection porosimetry are used to evaluate pore …
[PDF][PDF] 鄂尔多斯盆地上三叠统长 7 段泥页岩储集性能
吴松涛, 邹才能, 朱如凯, 袁选俊, 姚泾利… - 地球科学 (**地质 …, 2015 - earth-science.net
页岩气的成功勘探开发引发了全球海相页岩研究的热潮, 然而对处于生油窗内的陆相页岩储集
性能的研究尚需加**. 基于光学薄片, 场发射扫描电镜, 环境扫描电镜, 纳米CT, 图像分析, GRI …
性能的研究尚需加**. 基于光学薄片, 场发射扫描电镜, 环境扫描电镜, 纳米CT, 图像分析, GRI …
[HTML][HTML] Hydrocarbon potential evaluation of Middle Benue Basin, East Central Nigeria using high resolution aeromagnetic data
Relatively cheap and non-intrusive magnetic geophysical technique has been employed to
reduce the hydrocarbon exploration uncertainty in the Middle Benue Basin which straddles …
reduce the hydrocarbon exploration uncertainty in the Middle Benue Basin which straddles …
Interplay between permeability and compressibility in shale samples
In this study, we present a new approach to evaluate shale permeability as a function of
effective pressure using Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure (MICP) experiments …
effective pressure using Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure (MICP) experiments …