Innovations to culturing the uncultured microbial majority
Despite the surge of microbial genome data, experimental testing is important to confirm
inferences about the cell biology, ecological roles and evolution of microorganisms. As the …
inferences about the cell biology, ecological roles and evolution of microorganisms. As the …
The human gut microbiome: from association to modulation
Our understanding of the human gut microbiome continues to evolve at a rapid pace, but
practical application of thisknowledge is still in its infancy. This review discusses the type of …
practical application of thisknowledge is still in its infancy. This review discusses the type of …
Establishing microbial composition measurement standards with reference frames
Differential abundance analysis is controversial throughout microbiome research. Gold
standard approaches require laborious measurements of total microbial load, or absolute …
standard approaches require laborious measurements of total microbial load, or absolute …
Quantitative microbiome profiling links gut community variation to microbial load
Current sequencing-based analyses of faecal microbiota quantify microbial taxa and
metabolic pathways as fractions of the sample sequence library generated by each …
metabolic pathways as fractions of the sample sequence library generated by each …
The madness of microbiome: attempting to find consensus “best practice” for 16S microbiome studies
The development and continuous improvement of high-throughput sequencing platforms
have stimulated interest in the study of complex microbial communities. Currently, the most …
have stimulated interest in the study of complex microbial communities. Currently, the most …
Quantitative PCR provides a simple and accessible method for quantitative microbiota profiling
The use of relative abundance data from next generation sequencing (NGS) can lead to
misinterpretations of microbial community structures, as the increase of one taxon leads to …
misinterpretations of microbial community structures, as the increase of one taxon leads to …
Diet tracing in ecology: Method comparison and selection
Determining diet is a key prerequisite for understanding species interactions, food web
structure and ecological dynamics. In recent years, there has been considerable …
structure and ecological dynamics. In recent years, there has been considerable …
Not all animals need a microbiome
It is often taken for granted that all animals host and depend upon a microbiome, yet this has
only been shown for a small proportion of species. We propose that animals span a …
only been shown for a small proportion of species. We propose that animals span a …
Community assembly processes of the microbial rare biosphere
Our planet teems with microorganisms that often present a skewed abundance distribution
in a local community, with relatively few dominant species coexisting alongside a high …
in a local community, with relatively few dominant species coexisting alongside a high …
Microbiology of the built environment
The built environment comprises all structures built by humans, including our homes,
workplaces, schools and vehicles. As in any ecosystem on Earth, microorganisms have …
workplaces, schools and vehicles. As in any ecosystem on Earth, microorganisms have …