Industrial internet of things: Challenges, opportunities, and directions
Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging domain that promises ubiquitous connection to the
Internet, turning common objects into connected devices. The IoT paradigm is changing the …
Internet, turning common objects into connected devices. The IoT paradigm is changing the …
A survey on industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Testbeds for connectivity research
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies have revolutionized industrial processes,
enabling smart automation, real-time data analytics, and improved operational efficiency …
enabling smart automation, real-time data analytics, and improved operational efficiency …
Real-time and reliable industrial control over wireless lans: Algorithms, protocols, and future directions
The adoption of real-time wireless technologies within the ever-growing field of networked
industrial control systems is continuously gaining popularity. Widespread sensing and …
industrial control systems is continuously gaining popularity. Widespread sensing and …
Distributedhart: A distributed real-time scheduling system for wirelesshart networks
Industry 4.0 is a new industry trend which relies on data driven business model to set the
productivity requirements of the cyber physical system. To meet this requirement, Industry …
productivity requirements of the cyber physical system. To meet this requirement, Industry …
Reliable task allocation for time-triggered IoT-WSN using discrete particle swarm optimization
A wireless sensor network (WSN) constitutes of nodes that are used to sense a certain
physical environment phenomena and sends these collected data to a remote node for …
physical environment phenomena and sends these collected data to a remote node for …
Delay efficient scheduling algorithms for data aggregation in multi-channel asynchronous duty-cycled WSNs
Data aggregation scheduling is a critical issue in WSNs. This paper studies the Delay
efficient Data Aggregation scheduling problem in multi-Channel asynchronous Duty-cycled …
efficient Data Aggregation scheduling problem in multi-Channel asynchronous Duty-cycled …
Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) for Industrial Automation: Current Advances and Future Directions
With the introduction of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT)
technologies, the automation industry is undergoing significant changes, particularly in …
technologies, the automation industry is undergoing significant changes, particularly in …
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): a vivid perspective
Since the last couple of years, the internet of things has become a hot topic of research in
academic as well as industrial domains. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is an …
academic as well as industrial domains. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is an …
Real-time communication over lora networks
Today, industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are emerging in large-scale and wide-area
applications (eg, oil-field management). Traditional wireless solutions for industrial …
applications (eg, oil-field management). Traditional wireless solutions for industrial …
Towards scalable, secure, and smart mission-critical IoT systems: review and vision
Recent emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning have
been promising enormous economic and societal benefits. While it is desirable to deploy …
been promising enormous economic and societal benefits. While it is desirable to deploy …