Innovating through digital revolution: The role of soft skills and Big Data in increasing firm performance
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relations among soft skill, information
technologies and Big Data for building a possible bridge able to link human and technology …
technologies and Big Data for building a possible bridge able to link human and technology …
Digital platforms and international performance of Italian SMEs: an exploitation-based overview
Purpose Recognising the increasing relevance of digital platforms in socio-economic
dynamics, the paper aims at investigating in which ways digital platforms can influence the …
dynamics, the paper aims at investigating in which ways digital platforms can influence the …
Polychronic knowledge creation in cross-border business models: a sea-like heuristic metaphor
T Chin, S Wang, C Rowley - Journal of Knowledge Management, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to characterise an intricate, idiosyncratic knowledge-creating
mechanism in the modern digital context of cross-cultural business models (CBM). From an …
mechanism in the modern digital context of cross-cultural business models (CBM). From an …
How does knowledge hiding play a role in the relationship between leader–member exchange differentiation and employee creativity? A cross-level model
G Liao, M Li, Y Li, J Yin - Journal of Knowledge Management, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose Employees' knowledge management, which influences creativity, is a pivotal
resource in organizational innovation activities, as it helps activate the knowledge resource …
resource in organizational innovation activities, as it helps activate the knowledge resource …
The effects of executives' overseas background on enterprise digital transformation: evidence from China
D Hu, Y Peng, T Fang, CW Chen - Chinese Management Studies, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of executives' overseas
education and work experience on enterprise digital as executives' overseas background is …
education and work experience on enterprise digital as executives' overseas background is …
Combining big data and artificial intelligence for managing collective knowledge in unpredictable environment—Insights from the Chinese case in facing COVID-19
The increasing fluidity of social and business configurations made possible by the
opportunities provided by the World Wide Web and the new technologies is questioning the …
opportunities provided by the World Wide Web and the new technologies is questioning the …
Advancing beyond technicism when managing big data in companies' decision-making
Purpose In recognising the key role of business intelligence and big data analytics in
influencing companies' decision-making processes, this paper aims to codify the main …
influencing companies' decision-making processes, this paper aims to codify the main …
Investigating the role of smartness for sustainability: Insights from the Smart Grid domain
Over the past decades, information and communication technologies (ICT) established
themselves as the key force towards more effective and efficient usage of resources in our …
themselves as the key force towards more effective and efficient usage of resources in our …
Similarities and differences in managing the Covid-19 crisis and climate change risk
Purpose This paper investigates both similarities and differences between two global threats
represented by climate change (CC) and Covid-19 (CV). This will help understand the …
represented by climate change (CC) and Covid-19 (CV). This will help understand the …
Fashion companies and customer satisfaction: A relation mediated by Information and Communication Technologies
Adopting the interpretative lens provided by the Systems Thinking and Service Logic, the
paper pursues a twofold aim: 1] from one side it offers a wider picture of fashion sector with …
paper pursues a twofold aim: 1] from one side it offers a wider picture of fashion sector with …