Microscopic description of the intermittent dynamics driving logarithmic creep

DJ Korchinski, D Shohat, Y Lahini, M Wyart - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2024‏ - arxiv.org
Disordered materials under an imposed forcing can display creep and aging effects,
accompanied by intermittent, spatially heterogeneous dynamics. We propose a unifying …

Soft matrix: Extracting inherent length scales in sheared amorphous solids

M Adhikari, P Chaudhuri, S Karmakar… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023‏ - arxiv.org
Amorphous solids yield upon crossing a strain threshold, after an initial elastic response,
when subjected to mechanical deformation. The yielding process is characterized by local …

Shear banding as a cause of nonmonotonic stress relaxation after flow cessation

VK Ward, SM Fielding - Physical Review Materials, 2025‏ - APS
Recent flow cessation experiments on soft materials have shown a counterintuitive
nonmonotonic relaxation of the shear stress: following the switch off of a steady imposed …

Memory of shear flow in soft jammed materials

HA Vinutha, M Marchand, M Caggioni, VV Vasisht… - PNAS …, 2024‏ - academic.oup.com
Cessation of flow in yield stress fluids results in a stress relaxation process that eventually
leads to a finite residual stress. Both the rate of stress relaxation and the magnitude of the …

Stress correlations in near-crystalline packings

R Maharana, K Ramola - SciPost Physics, 2024‏ - scipost.org
We derive exact results for stress correlations in near-crystalline systems in two and three
dimensions. We study energy minimized configurations of particles interacting through …