Non-optimality of intellectual capital inputs: a new avenue for research

A Barajas, E Shakina - Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2024 -
Purpose This paper aims to initiate new avenues of research by examining optimal
intellectual capital (IC) inputs, introducing three theories into the discussion: diminishing …

ERP systems and operational efficiency: comparison of the effectiveness of implementing foreign and domestic systems

I Naidenova, A Smirnov - Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2025 -
Purpose This study examines the effectiveness of enterprise resource planning (ERP)
system implementation in Russian companies, considering the vendor's country of origin …

Revisiting corporate universities: Strategic choices sha** performance in telecom

E Shakina, Á Barajas, P Sánchez-Fernández - Heliyon, 2024 -
Corporate universities (CUs) have evolved significantly over the past century, yet empirical
studies examining their impact on corporate performance are notably sparse. This study …

[PDF][PDF] Оценка снижения эффективности российских компаний от ухода зарубежных вендоров ИТ-продуктов

ЮН Найденова, ГВ Теплых - Вопросы экономики, 2023 -
На информации о деятельности 6 тыс. российских компаний за 15 лет (2007—2021 гг.)
оценены их потери в результате применения санкций против России и ухода части …

[HTML][HTML] Отраслевые ИКТ-профили российских компаний: стратегии управления ресурсами

М Молодчик, Ю Найденова, Е Шенкман, Е Иванов - Форсайт, 2024 -
Национальный ландшафт информационно-коммуникационных технологий (ИКТ)
может быть продуктивно рассмотрен на примере устойчивых отраслевых комбинаций …

ICT profiles of Russian companies at the industry level: resource management strategies

M Molodchik, J Naydenova, Е Shenkman, Е Ivanov - Forsajt, 2024 -
The study investigates the Russian information and communication technologies (ICT)
landscape with a focus on sustainable ICT combinations at the industry level. The ICT …

[HTML][HTML] Network board capital and performance of international companies

PA Parshakov, GV Teplykh - Вестник Санкт-Петербургского …, 2023 -
The paper estimates the influence of links between boards of directors on corporate
performance at the world level in the framework of network analysis. The vast majority of …

Methods for managing intangible assets and ecommerce resources: Systematic review

SV Panasenko, OS Karashсhuk… - … no Mundo Atual, 2023 -
Objective: The study aims at classifying and supplementing general and special methods for
managing intangible assets and eCommerce resources. The present stage of management …

Successful Marketing Strategies for Sustaining Nigerian Small and Medium Enterprises

E Agbogun - 2022 -
Owners of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) constantly face challenges to sustain their
businesses. More than 80% of SMEs in Nigeria fail within the first 5 years of operation. SME …

La investigación interdisciplinar en la comunicación de empresa: métodos para abordar los intangibles y la sostenibilidad centrada en el ser humano

DM Nombela - Comunicación & Métodos, 2022 -
El objetivo de esta investigación es constatar la necesidad de una metodología
interdisciplinar tanto para el estudio de la comunicación de empresa en el ámbito de la …