Fast life history traits promote invasion success in amphibians and reptiles
Competing theoretical models make different predictions on which life history strategies
facilitate growth of small populations. While 'fast'strategies allow for rapid increase in …
facilitate growth of small populations. While 'fast'strategies allow for rapid increase in …
Body size and life history shape the historical biogeography of tetrapods
Dispersal across biogeographic barriers is a key process determining global patterns of
biodiversity as it allows lineages to colonize and diversify in new realms. Here we …
biodiversity as it allows lineages to colonize and diversify in new realms. Here we …
Heads you win, tails you lose: Life‐history traits predict invasion and extinction risk of the world's freshwater fishes
Freshwater fishes have the distinction of being both a highly imperilled taxonomic group as
well as one that has produced many invasive species with widespread ecological impacts …
well as one that has produced many invasive species with widespread ecological impacts …
Demographic and life history traits explain patterns in species vulnerability to extinction
As ecosystems face disruption of community dynamics and habitat loss, the idea of
determining ahead of time which species can become extinct is an important subject in …
determining ahead of time which species can become extinct is an important subject in …
Linking transient dynamics and life history to biological invasion success
Upon arriving in a novel environment, invading populations are likely to be small and far
from a stable stage structure. This unstable stage structure can cause transient (short‐term) …
from a stable stage structure. This unstable stage structure can cause transient (short‐term) …
Experimental separation of genetic and demographic factors on extinction risk in wild populations
When populations reach small size, an extinction risk vortex may arise from genetic
(inbreeding depression, genetic drift) and ecological (demographic stochasticity, Allee …
(inbreeding depression, genetic drift) and ecological (demographic stochasticity, Allee …
Behaviour, life history and persistence in novel environments
Understanding what affects population growth in novel environments is fundamental to
forecast organisms' responses to global change, including biological invasions and land use …
forecast organisms' responses to global change, including biological invasions and land use …
Validation of freshwater mussel life‐history strategies: A database and multivariate analysis of freshwater mussel life‐history traits
Freshwater mussels are among the most critically endangered taxa globally. In the United
States, 91 out of nearly 300 species are listed as Threatened or Endangered under the …
States, 91 out of nearly 300 species are listed as Threatened or Endangered under the …
Chameleon biogeographic dispersal is associated with extreme life history strategies
Understanding the role of traits in dispersal is necessary to improve our knowledge of
historical biogeography, community assembly processes and predictions of species' future …
historical biogeography, community assembly processes and predictions of species' future …
Spatial, temporal and age sources of variation in parrot poaching in Bolivia
SF Pires, JL Schneider, M Herrera… - Bird Conservation …, 2016 -
Parrot poaching and the subsequent illegal trade in the Neotropics are exacerbating the
decline in parrot populations. Little is known, however, on where, when and how parrots are …
decline in parrot populations. Little is known, however, on where, when and how parrots are …