[HTML][HTML] The fatigue of carbon fibre reinforced plastics-A review
Engineering structures are often subjected to the conditions of cyclic-loading, which onsets
material fatigue, detrimentally affecting the service-life and damage tolerance of components …
material fatigue, detrimentally affecting the service-life and damage tolerance of components …
Methods for the prediction of fatigue delamination growth in composites and adhesive bonds–a critical review
An overview is given of the development of methods for the prediction of fatigue driven
delamination growth over the past 40 years. Four categories of methods are identified …
delamination growth over the past 40 years. Four categories of methods are identified …
[CARTE][B] Advances in numerical modelling of adhesive joints
LFM Da Silva, RDSG Campilho, LFM da Silva… - 2012 - Springer
The analysis of adhesively bonded joints started in 1938 with the closed-form model of
Volkersen. The equilibrium equation of a single lap joint led to a simple governing …
Volkersen. The equilibrium equation of a single lap joint led to a simple governing …
Nanofibre bridging as a toughening mechanism in carbon/epoxy composite laminates interleaved with electrospun polyamide nanofibrous veils
L Daelemans, S van der Heijden, I De Baere… - … Science and Technology, 2015 - Elsevier
Electrospun thermoplastic nanofibres have a large potential for the interlaminar toughening
of composite laminates. They can easily be placed in resin rich interlayers between …
of composite laminates. They can easily be placed in resin rich interlayers between …
Delamination under fatigue loads in composite laminates: a review on the observed phenomenology and computational methods
Advanced design methodologies enable lighter and more reliable composite structures or
components. However, efforts to include fatigue delamination in the simulation of …
components. However, efforts to include fatigue delamination in the simulation of …
Mode I and mode II interlaminar fracture toughness of CFRP laminates toughened by carbon nanofiber interlayer
M Arai, Y Noro, K Sugimoto, M Endo - Composites Science and Technology, 2008 - Elsevier
Interlaminar fracture toughness for mode I and II deformation were investigated for carbon
fiber (CF)/epoxy laminates toughened by a carbon nanofiber/epoxy interlayer. Vapor grown …
fiber (CF)/epoxy laminates toughened by a carbon nanofiber/epoxy interlayer. Vapor grown …
Damage-resistant composites using electrospun nanofibers: a multiscale analysis of the toughening mechanisms
L Daelemans, S van der Heijden… - … applied materials & …, 2016 - ACS Publications
Today, fiber-reinforced polymer composites are a standard material in applications where a
high stiffness and strength are required at minimal weight, such as aerospace structures …
high stiffness and strength are required at minimal weight, such as aerospace structures …
[HTML][HTML] Strain-based delamination prediction in fatigue loaded CFRP coupon specimens by deep learning and static loading data
Abstract Machine learning (ML) methods for the structural health monitoring (SHM) of
composite structures rely on sufficient domain knowledge as they typically demand to extract …
composite structures rely on sufficient domain knowledge as they typically demand to extract …
Interlaminar mechanical properties of carbon fiber reinforced plastic laminates modified with graphene oxide interleaf
By taking the advantage of the excellent mechanical properties and high specific surface
area of graphene oxide (GO) sheets, we develop a simple and effective strategy to improve …
area of graphene oxide (GO) sheets, we develop a simple and effective strategy to improve …
Composite laminate delamination simulation and experiment: A review of recent development
A Tabiei, W Zhang - Applied Mechanics Reviews, 2018 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Composite laminate has extensive usage in the aerospace and automotive industries. Thus
delamination, one of its most prevalent and challenging failure modes, has attracted …
delamination, one of its most prevalent and challenging failure modes, has attracted …