Paulownia leaves as a new feed resource: Chemical composition and effects on growth, carcasses, digestibility, blood biochemistry, and intestinal bacterial …

AA Al-Sagheer, ME Abd El-Hack, M Alagawany… - Animals, 2019 -
Simple Summary Paulownia trees are grown as a woody biofuel crop, and they yield large
amounts of leafy biomass rich in nitrogen. However, there is limited information on the use of …

Impact of supplementation of Moringa oleifera and Leucaena leucacephala tree fodder on the production performance of indigenous goats in Mozambique

G Mataveia, CMLP Garrine, A Pondja… - Black Sea Journal of …, 2019 -
Thisstudy was conducted to assess the effect of supplementation with Leucaena
leucacephala (LL), and Moringa oleifera (MO) tree leaves ongrowth and reproduction …

Effect of dietary inclusion of Leucaena leucocephala or Moringa oleifera leaf meal on performance of growing rabbits

AM Safwat, L Sarmiento-Franco… - Tropical animal health …, 2014 - Springer
This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of including either Leucaena
leucocephala (LLM) or Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) as tropical feed resources at two …

Digestion, growth performance and caecal fermentation in growing rabbits fed diets containing foliage of browse trees

SHA Hafsa, AZM Salem, AA Hassan, AE Kholif… - 2016 -
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of feeding dried foliage (leaves and petioles) of
Acacia saligna, Leucaena leucocephala or Moringa oleifera on the performance …

Growth Performance, Carcass Traits, Muscle Fatty Acids, Intramuscular Fat, Cholesterol, and Antioxidant Status in Rabbits Supplemented with Kigelia pinnata Leaf …

KD Adeyemi, OA Akinfenwa, O Atolani… - European Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The effects of dietary Kigelia pinnata leaf (KPL) on growth, carcass, muscle fatty acids,
antioxidant status, cholesterol, physicochemical properties, and sensory profile of …

[HTML][HTML] Tropical forages as a dietary alternative in fattening rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.)

A Sánchez-Laiño, ED Torres-Navarrete… - Acta …, 2018 -
The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of the tropical forages morera (Morus alba
L.), caraca (Erythrina poeppigiana (Walp.) OF Cook and gold button (Tithonia diversifolia …

Growth performance and cost-effectiveness of replacement of fishmeal with plant-based protein source, Leucaena leucocephala in the diet of Clarias gariepinus …

CS AGUPUGO, CI NSOFOR, BI EZEWUDO… - Asian Journal of …, 2022 -
Agupugo CS, Nsofor CI, Ezewudo BI, Edeh IC. 2022. Growth performance and cost-
effectiveness of replacement of fishmeal with plant-based protein source, Leucaena …

[HTML][HTML] Comportamiento productivo de conejos alimentados con dietas que incluyen sustrato remanente de la producción de setas

O Martínez Ramírez, RC Bermúdez Savón… - Revista de producción …, 2018 -
Se utilizaron 30 conejos machos de la raza Pardo Cubano con el objetivo de determinar
indicadores productivos, en animales alimentados durante 35 días con sustrato remanente …

Locally-processed cowpea husk improved body weight gain of on-farm raised rabbits in Northeastern Nigeria

IO Adejumo, KA Badmus, A Maidala… - Nigerian Journal of …, 2020 -
Nigeria as an agricultural country generates a large tons of crop residues. Crop residues
and by-products could result in environmental burden or pollution if not recycled or …

Sistemas de producción de conejos, características fisiológicas y alternativas para la alimentación/Rabbit production systems, Physiological characteristics and …

JM Melo, JOS Torres, FDM Malamba - Universidad & ciencia, 2022 -
La producción de proteínas de origen animal para satisfacer la demanda de la población
mundial es una meta a alcanzar para muchos países de la zona tropical. La cunicultura es …