Paulownia leaves as a new feed resource: Chemical composition and effects on growth, carcasses, digestibility, blood biochemistry, and intestinal bacterial …
Simple Summary Paulownia trees are grown as a woody biofuel crop, and they yield large
amounts of leafy biomass rich in nitrogen. However, there is limited information on the use of …
amounts of leafy biomass rich in nitrogen. However, there is limited information on the use of …
Impact of supplementation of Moringa oleifera and Leucaena leucacephala tree fodder on the production performance of indigenous goats in Mozambique
G Mataveia, CMLP Garrine, A Pondja… - Black Sea Journal of …, 2019 -
Thisstudy was conducted to assess the effect of supplementation with Leucaena
leucacephala (LL), and Moringa oleifera (MO) tree leaves ongrowth and reproduction …
leucacephala (LL), and Moringa oleifera (MO) tree leaves ongrowth and reproduction …
Effect of dietary inclusion of Leucaena leucocephala or Moringa oleifera leaf meal on performance of growing rabbits
AM Safwat, L Sarmiento-Franco… - Tropical animal health …, 2014 - Springer
This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of including either Leucaena
leucocephala (LLM) or Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) as tropical feed resources at two …
leucocephala (LLM) or Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) as tropical feed resources at two …
Digestion, growth performance and caecal fermentation in growing rabbits fed diets containing foliage of browse trees
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of feeding dried foliage (leaves and petioles) of
Acacia saligna, Leucaena leucocephala or Moringa oleifera on the performance …
Acacia saligna, Leucaena leucocephala or Moringa oleifera on the performance …
Growth Performance, Carcass Traits, Muscle Fatty Acids, Intramuscular Fat, Cholesterol, and Antioxidant Status in Rabbits Supplemented with Kigelia pinnata Leaf …
The effects of dietary Kigelia pinnata leaf (KPL) on growth, carcass, muscle fatty acids,
antioxidant status, cholesterol, physicochemical properties, and sensory profile of …
antioxidant status, cholesterol, physicochemical properties, and sensory profile of …
[HTML][HTML] Tropical forages as a dietary alternative in fattening rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.)
A Sánchez-Laiño, ED Torres-Navarrete… - Acta …, 2018 -
The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of the tropical forages morera (Morus alba
L.), caraca (Erythrina poeppigiana (Walp.) OF Cook and gold button (Tithonia diversifolia …
L.), caraca (Erythrina poeppigiana (Walp.) OF Cook and gold button (Tithonia diversifolia …
Growth performance and cost-effectiveness of replacement of fishmeal with plant-based protein source, Leucaena leucocephala in the diet of Clarias gariepinus …
Agupugo CS, Nsofor CI, Ezewudo BI, Edeh IC. 2022. Growth performance and cost-
effectiveness of replacement of fishmeal with plant-based protein source, Leucaena …
effectiveness of replacement of fishmeal with plant-based protein source, Leucaena …
[HTML][HTML] Comportamiento productivo de conejos alimentados con dietas que incluyen sustrato remanente de la producción de setas
O Martínez Ramírez, RC Bermúdez Savón… - Revista de producción …, 2018 -
Se utilizaron 30 conejos machos de la raza Pardo Cubano con el objetivo de determinar
indicadores productivos, en animales alimentados durante 35 días con sustrato remanente …
indicadores productivos, en animales alimentados durante 35 días con sustrato remanente …
Locally-processed cowpea husk improved body weight gain of on-farm raised rabbits in Northeastern Nigeria
IO Adejumo, KA Badmus, A Maidala… - Nigerian Journal of …, 2020 -
Nigeria as an agricultural country generates a large tons of crop residues. Crop residues
and by-products could result in environmental burden or pollution if not recycled or …
and by-products could result in environmental burden or pollution if not recycled or …
Sistemas de producción de conejos, características fisiológicas y alternativas para la alimentación/Rabbit production systems, Physiological characteristics and …
JM Melo, JOS Torres, FDM Malamba - Universidad & ciencia, 2022 -
La producción de proteínas de origen animal para satisfacer la demanda de la población
mundial es una meta a alcanzar para muchos países de la zona tropical. La cunicultura es …
mundial es una meta a alcanzar para muchos países de la zona tropical. La cunicultura es …