Context in social simulation: why it can't be wished away

B Edmonds - Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 2012 - Springer
Context is everywhere in the human social and cognitive spheres but it is often implicit and
unnoticed. However, when one is involved in trying to understand and model the social and …

Contextual cognition in social simulation

B Edmonds - Context in computing: a cross-disciplinary approach for …, 2014 - Springer
This chapter looks at the modelling of cognition in social simulation with respect to its context-
dependency. After making some conceptual clarifications, it briefly reviews existing attempts …

A case study in model selection for policy engineering: Simulating maritime customs

H Harb, FJ Srour, N Yorke-Smith - … , AMPLE, AOSE, ARMS, DOCM 3 AS …, 2012 - Springer
The progress of containers through customs is more often an exercise in negotiation rather
than a structured queuing process. As soon as a regulatory process involves negotiation …

[PDF][PDF] Context and social simulation

B Edmonds - of epistemological perspectives on simulation …, 2010 -
Context is everywhere in the human social and cognitive spheres but it is often implicit and
unnoticed. Some possible reasons for this will be sketched below. However, when one is …

[PDF][PDF] Multiagentensimulation der Wissensweitergabe in Organisationen am Beispiel von Individualsoftwareherstellern

R Peinl - 2008 -
Die Fähigkeit einer Organisation am Markt erfolgreich agieren zu können wird in der
Literatur in erster Linie dem in der Organisation verfügbaren Wissen zugeschrieben, wobei …

A socio-ecological test bed

B Edmonds - Ecological Complexity, 2019 - Elsevier
A test bed simulation is described, composed of an individual-based simulation where
species co-evolve on a 2D grid. This can generate, in a bottom-up manner, complex …

[HTML][HTML] Tag Archives: oswaldoterna

O Terán, J Aguilar - International Journal of Social Research Methodology -
This special issue appeared following a series of articles in RofASSS regarding the polemic
around Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) prediction (https://rofasss. org/tag/prediction-thread/) …

[HTML][HTML] Towards contextualized social simulation: Complementary use of Multi-Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and MABS

O Terán, J Aguilar -
This work suggests to complementarily use Multi-Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (MFCM) and Multi-
agent Based Simulation (MABS) for social simulation studies, to overcome deficiencies of …

[HTML][HTML] Tag Archives: context

O Terán, J Aguilar -
This work suggests to complementarily use Multi-Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (MFCM) and Multi-
agent Based Simulation (MABS) for social simulation studies, to overcome deficiencies of …

[HTML][HTML] Tag Archives: FUZZY

O Terán, J Aguilar -
This work suggests to complementarily use Multi-Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (MFCM) and Multi-
agent Based Simulation (MABS) for social simulation studies, to overcome deficiencies of …