Comprehensive review on brain-controlled mobile robots and robotic arms based on electroencephalography signals
There is a significant progress in the development of brain-controlled mobile robots and
robotic arms in the recent years. New advances in electroencephalography (EEG) …
robotic arms in the recent years. New advances in electroencephalography (EEG) …
Progress in EEG‐Based Brain Robot Interaction Systems
The most popular noninvasive Brain Robot Interaction (BRI) technology uses the
electroencephalogram‐(EEG‐) based Brain Computer Interface (BCI), to serve as an …
electroencephalogram‐(EEG‐) based Brain Computer Interface (BCI), to serve as an …
Comparison of brain activation during motor imagery and motor movement using fNIRS
Motor‐activity‐related mental tasks are widely adopted for brain‐computer interfaces (BCIs)
as they are a natural extension of movement intention, requiring no training to evoke brain …
as they are a natural extension of movement intention, requiring no training to evoke brain …
Ultrafast laser writing of liquid crystal waveguides
With the development of conformable photonic platforms, particularly those that could be
interfaced with the human body or integrated into wearable technology, there is an ever …
interfaced with the human body or integrated into wearable technology, there is an ever …
A brain–robot interaction system by fusing human and machine intelligence
This paper presents a new brain–robot interaction system by fusing human and machine
intelligence to improve the real-time control performance. This system consists of a hybrid …
intelligence to improve the real-time control performance. This system consists of a hybrid …
Mental workload classification from spatial representation of fnirs recordings using convolutional neural networks
Mental workload classification is a core element of designing adaptive Human-Computer
Interfaces and plays an essential role in increasing the safety and operator performance of …
Interfaces and plays an essential role in increasing the safety and operator performance of …
Virtual and actual humanoid robot control with four‐class motor‐imagery‐based optical brain‐computer interface
Motor‐imagery tasks are a popular input method for controlling brain‐computer interfaces
(BCIs), partially due to their similarities to naturally produced motor signals. The use of …
(BCIs), partially due to their similarities to naturally produced motor signals. The use of …
Evaluation of light detector surface area for functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Abstract Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) is an emerging neuroimaging
technique that utilizes near infrared light to detect cortical concentration changes of oxy …
technique that utilizes near infrared light to detect cortical concentration changes of oxy …
[HTML][HTML] Control of a prosthetic arm using fNIRS, a neural-machine interface
Abstract Development in the field of bio-mechatronics has provided diverse ways to mimic
and improve the function of human limbs. Without an elbow joint, the hand remains stiff …
and improve the function of human limbs. Without an elbow joint, the hand remains stiff …
Comparison of machine learning approaches for motor imagery based optical brain computer interface
Abstract A Brain-computer Interface (BCI) is a system that interprets specific patterns in
human brain activity, such as the intention to perform motor functions, in order to generate a …
human brain activity, such as the intention to perform motor functions, in order to generate a …