Overcoming the pitfalls of merging dietary metabarcoding into ecological networks
The construction of increasingly detailed species interaction networks is extending the
potential applications of network ecology, providing an opportunity to understand complex …
potential applications of network ecology, providing an opportunity to understand complex …
[HTML][HTML] Applications of environmental DNA (eDNA) in agricultural systems: Current uses, limitations and future prospects
Global food production, food supply chains and food security are increasingly stressed by
human population growth and loss of arable land, becoming more vulnerable to …
human population growth and loss of arable land, becoming more vulnerable to …
Monitoring the birds and the bees: Environmental DNA metabarcoding of flowers detects plant–animal interactions
Animal pollinators are vital for the reproduction of~ 90% of flowering plants. However, many
of these pollinating species are experiencing declines globally, making effective pollinator …
of these pollinating species are experiencing declines globally, making effective pollinator …
Mitochondrial DNA as a molecular marker in insect ecology: current status and future prospects
Z Dong, Y Wang, C Li, L Li, X Men - Annals of the Entomological …, 2021 - academic.oup.com
Molecular techniques are powerful tools that can address many research problems in insect
ecology. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a widely used molecular marker. It is easy to use …
ecology. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a widely used molecular marker. It is easy to use …
Environmental DNA metabarcoding from flowers reveals arthropod pollinators, plant pests, parasites, and potential predator–prey interactions while revealing more …
Arthropods can strongly impact ecosystems through pollination, herbivory, predation, and
parasitism. As such, characterizing arthropod biodiversity is vital to understanding …
parasitism. As such, characterizing arthropod biodiversity is vital to understanding …
Environmental DNA as an emerging tool in botanical research
Over the past quarter century, environmental DNA (eDNA) has been ascendant as a tool to
detect, measure, and monitor biodiversity (species and communities), as a means of …
detect, measure, and monitor biodiversity (species and communities), as a means of …
Plant–animal interactions in the era of environmental DNA (eDNA)—a review
Plant–animal interactions (PAI) represent major channels of energy transfer through
ecosystems, where both positive and antagonistic interactions simultaneously contribute to …
ecosystems, where both positive and antagonistic interactions simultaneously contribute to …
Environmental DNA metabarcoding of pan trap water to monitor arthropod‐plant interactions
Globally, the diversity of arthropods and the plants upon which they rely are under
increasing pressure due to a combination of biotic and abiotic anthropogenic stressors …
increasing pressure due to a combination of biotic and abiotic anthropogenic stressors …
Expanding network ecology in freshwater ecosystems
Research in freshwater ecosystems has always had a strong focus on ecological
interactions. The vast majority of studies, however, have investigated trophic interactions …
interactions. The vast majority of studies, however, have investigated trophic interactions …
Using DNA metabarcoding to identify floral visitation by pollinators
The identification of floral visitation by pollinators provides an opportunity to improve our
understanding of the fine-scale ecological interactions between plants and pollinators …
understanding of the fine-scale ecological interactions between plants and pollinators …