Social preferences: fundamental characteristics and economic consequences

E Fehr, G Charness - 2023 -
We review the vast literature on social preferences by assessing what is known about their
fundamental properties, their distribution in the broader population, and their consequences …

[HTML][HTML] Social preferences and political attitudes: An online experiment on a large heterogeneous sample

R Kerschbamer, D Müller - Journal of Public Economics, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper investigates in a large and heterogeneous sample the relationship between
social preferences and political attitudes. Social preferences relate to political attitudes in a …

Was Brexit triggered by the old and unhappy? Or by financial feelings?

F Liberini, AJ Oswald, E Proto, M Redoano - Journal of Economic Behavior …, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract On 23 June 2016, the United Kingdom voted in favour of 'Brexit'. This paper is an
attempt to understand why. It examines the micro-econometric predictors of anti-EU …

Reciprocity and resistance to change: An experimental study

JP Krügel, S Traub - Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2018 - Elsevier
Many uncertain organizational changes fail because of resistance by employees. This paper
studies the circumstances under which acceptance to change occurs. We propose that …

Distributional preferences explain individual behavior across games and time

M Hedegaard, R Kerschbamer, D Müller… - Games and Economic …, 2021 - Elsevier
We use a large and heterogeneous sample of the Danish population to investigate the
importance of distributional preferences for behavior in a trust game and a public good …

Efficiency loss and support for income redistribution: evidence from a laboratory experiment

M Tepe, F Paetzel, J Lorenz… - Rationality and Society, 2021 -
Income redistribution with an efficiency loss is expected to have a twofold negative effect on
support for redistribution, as it lowers egoistic support for redistribution and activates …

On the economic value of decision rights: An experimental test

C Meemann - 2023 -
According to the theoretical freedom-of-choice literature and a growing body of experiments,
the economic value of a decision right is reflected not only in its instrumental value, but also …

Preferences for redistribution and pensions. What can we learn from experiments?

F Tausch, J Potters, A Riedl - Journal of Pension Economics & …, 2013 -
Redistribution is an inevitable feature of collective pension schemes and economic
experiments have revealed that most people have a preference for redistribution that is not …

When collective ignorance is bliss: Theory and experiment on voting for learning

B Ginzburg, JA Guerra - Journal of Public Economics, 2019 - Elsevier
When do groups and societies choose to be uninformed? We study a committee that needs
to vote on a reform which will give every member a private state-dependent payoff. The …

Preferensi Adaptasi Masyarakat Kecamatan Bancak Kabupaten Semarang terhadap Kerentanan Bencana Kekeringan

AAHE Sayoga, A Artiningsih - Jurnal Litbang: Media Informasi …, 2023 -
ABSTRAK Selama beberapa tahun, Kabupaten Bancak selalu menghadapi kekeringan
selama musim kemarau. Kekeringan di Kabupaten Bancak disebabkan oleh faktor yang …