Unethical pro-organizational behavior: A systematic review and future research agenda
Since the conceptualization of unethical pro-organizational behavior ten years ago,
scholarly interest in exploring this phenomenon has multiplied. Given a burgeoning body of …
scholarly interest in exploring this phenomenon has multiplied. Given a burgeoning body of …
Social exchange theory: A critical review with theoretical remedies
Social exchange theory is one of the most prominent conceptual perspectives in
management, as well as related fields like sociology and social psychology. An important …
management, as well as related fields like sociology and social psychology. An important …
The impact of perceived CSR on corporate reputation and purchase intention
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of consumers' perceived
corporate social responsibility (CSR). The aim is to provide insight into the effect of …
corporate social responsibility (CSR). The aim is to provide insight into the effect of …
The hidden dark side of empowering leadership: The moderating role of hindrance stressors in explaining when empowering employees can promote moral …
The majority of theory and research on empowering leadership to date has focused on how
empowering leader behaviors influence employees, portraying those behaviors as almost …
empowering leader behaviors influence employees, portraying those behaviors as almost …
The bright side of being prosocial at work, and the dark side, too: A review and agenda for research on other-oriented motives, behavior, and impact in organizations
More than a quarter century ago, organizational scholars began to explore the implications
of prosociality in organizations. Three interrelated streams have emerged from this work …
of prosociality in organizations. Three interrelated streams have emerged from this work …
Good intentions, bad behavior: A review and synthesis of the literature on unethical prosocial behavior (UPB) at work
Scholars have investigated work behaviors that are intended to help others, yet at the same
time violate societal values, norms, laws, or standards of proper conduct. We refer to these …
time violate societal values, norms, laws, or standards of proper conduct. We refer to these …
Motivational climates, work passion, and behavioral consequences
Drawing on achievement goal theory and the dualistic model of passion, this study identifies
(1) mastery versus performance climate as the contextual antecedent for harmonious versus …
(1) mastery versus performance climate as the contextual antecedent for harmonious versus …
Moral disengagement at work: A review and research agenda
Abstract Originally conceptualized by Bandura (Person Soc Psychol Rev 3: 193–209, 1999)
as the process of cognitive restructuring that allows individuals to disassociate with their …
as the process of cognitive restructuring that allows individuals to disassociate with their …
A meta-analytic review of identification at work: Relative contribution of team, organizational, and professional identification.
Research on social identification in organizations is diverse and evolving. As focus has
shifted to the effects of multiple identities, there is a need to further define relationships …
shifted to the effects of multiple identities, there is a need to further define relationships …
Relaxing moral reasoning to win: How organizational identification relates to unethical pro-organizational behavior.
Drawing on social identity theory and social–cognitive theory, we hypothesize that
organizational identification predicts unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) through …
organizational identification predicts unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) through …