List partitions

T Feder, P Hell, S Klein, R Motwani - SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2003 - SIAM
List partitions generalize list colorings and list homomorphisms.(We argue that they may be
called list" semihomomorphisms.") Each symmetric matrix M over 0, 1,* defines a list partition …

Vertex-partitioning into fixed additive induced-hereditary properties is NP-hard

A Farrugia - arxiv preprint math/0306158, 2003 -
Can the vertices of a graph $ G $ be partitioned into $ A\cup B $, so that $ G [A] $ is a line-
graph and $ G [B] $ is a forest? Can $ G $ be partitioned into a planar graph and a perfect …

[HTML][HTML] Partitioning chordal graphs into independent sets and cliques

P Hell, S Klein, LT Nogueira, F Protti - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2004 - Elsevier
We consider the following generalization of split graphs: A graph is said to be a (k, ℓ)-graph
if its vertex set can be partitioned into k independent sets and ℓ cliques.(Split graphs are …

Acyclic, star, and injective colouring: bounding the diameter

C Brause, P Golovach, B Martin, P Ochem… - … Electronic Journal of …, 2022 -
We examine the effect of bounding the diameter for a number of natural and well-studied
variants of the COLOURING problem. A colouring is acyclic, star, or injective if any two …

[HTML][HTML] Bisplit graphs

A Brandstädt, PL Hammer, VV Lozin - Discrete Mathematics, 2005 - Elsevier
An undirected graph G=(V, E) is a bisplit graph if its vertex set can be partitioned into a
stable set and a complete bipartite graph. We provide an O (| V|| E|) time recognition …

[HTML][HTML] Partitioning cographs into cliques and stable sets

M Demange, T Ekim, D De Werra - Discrete Optimization, 2005 - Elsevier
We consider the problem of partitioning the node set of a graph into p cliques and k stable
sets, namely the (p, k)-coloring problem. Results have been obtained for general graphs …

[HTML][HTML] Independent feedback vertex sets for graphs of bounded diameter

M Bonamy, KK Dabrowski, C Feghali… - Information Processing …, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract The Near-Bipartiteness problem is that of deciding whether or not the vertices of a
graph can be partitioned into sets A and B, where A is an independent set and B induces a …

The complexity of the list partition problem for graphs

K Cameron, EM Eschen, CT Hoàng, R Sritharan - SIAM Journal on Discrete …, 2008 - SIAM
The k-partition problem is as follows: Given a graph G and a positive integer k, partition the
vertices of G into at most k parts A_1,A_2,...,A_k, where it may be specified that A_i induces …

[HTML][HTML] Partition the vertices of a graph into one independent set and one acyclic set

A Yang, J Yuan - Discrete mathematics, 2006 - Elsevier
For a given graph G, if the vertices of G can be partitioned into an independent set and an
acyclic set, then we call G a near-bipartite graph. This paper studies the recognition of near …

[HTML][HTML] On decision and optimization (k, l)-graph sandwich problems

S Dantas, CMH de Figueiredo, L Faria - Discrete applied mathematics, 2004 - Elsevier
A graph G is (k, l) if its vertex set can be partitioned into at most k independent sets and l
cliques. The (k, l)-Graph Sandwich Problem asks, given two graphs G1=(V, E1) and G2=(V …