Progress and challenges in intelligent vehicle area networks

M Faezipour, M Nourani, A Saeed… - Communications of the …, 2012 -
Progress and challenges in intelligent vehicle area networks Page 1 90 coMMunicaTions of
The acM | FeBRuARY 2012 | VoL. 55 | No. 2 review articles MUCh attentiOn haS recently …

VANET architectures and protocol stacks: a survey

SA Mohammad, A Rasheed, A Qayyum - Communication Technologies for …, 2011 - Springer
Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) provide a set of standards for vehicular
communications. The main focus of research activities, within ITS, has been on development …

Survey on VANET security challenges and possible cryptographic solutions

MN Mejri, J Ben-Othman, M Hamdi - Vehicular Communications, 2014 - Elsevier
In the near future, it is expected that vehicles which increasingly become an intelligent
systems will be equipped with radio communications interfaces. Thus, vehicular networks …

[PDF][PDF] OFDM radar algorithms in mobile communication networks

KM Braun - 2014 -
Not too long ago, both wireless communications and radar systems involved either
expensive terminals or large infrastructure. On the communication side, this changed with …

[BOK][B] Vehicular networking

C Sommer, F Dressler - 2015 -
With this essential guide to vehicular networking, you will learn about everything from
conceptual approaches and state-of-the-art protocols, to system designs and their …

An intelligent V2I-based traffic management system

V Milanés, J Villagra, J Godoy, J Simó… - IEEE Transactions …, 2012 -
Vehicles equipped with intelligent systems designed to prevent accidents, such as collision
warning systems (CWSs) or lane-kee** assistance (LKA), are now on the market. The next …

Mobility impact in IEEE 802.11 p infrastructureless vehicular networks

W Alasmary, W Zhuang - Ad Hoc Networks, 2012 - Elsevier
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are an extreme case of mobile ad hoc networks
(MANETs). High speed and frequent network topology changes are the main characteristics …

Performance evaluation of IEEE 1609 WAVE and IEEE 802.11 p for vehicular communications

S Gräfling, P Mähönen… - 2010 second international …, 2010 -
In this paper we study the performance of the IEEE 1609 WAVE and IEEE 802.11 p trial
standards for vehicular communications. We have implemented key components of these …

Applicability of position-based routing for VANET in highways and urban environment

A Fonseca, T Vazao - Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2013 - Elsevier
In the last years many routing protocols proposals have been made considering the
particular VANET characteristics. From the many proposals that came up, the protocols …

Analysis of access and connectivity probabilities in vehicular relay networks

SC Ng, W Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Yang… - IEEE Journal on …, 2010 -
IEEE 802.11 p and 1609 standards are currently under development to support Vehicle-to-
Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure communications in vehicular networks. For …