Progress and challenges in intelligent vehicle area networks
Progress and challenges in intelligent vehicle area networks Page 1 90 coMMunicaTions of
The acM | FeBRuARY 2012 | VoL. 55 | No. 2 review articles MUCh attentiOn haS recently …
The acM | FeBRuARY 2012 | VoL. 55 | No. 2 review articles MUCh attentiOn haS recently …
VANET architectures and protocol stacks: a survey
SA Mohammad, A Rasheed, A Qayyum - Communication Technologies for …, 2011 - Springer
Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) provide a set of standards for vehicular
communications. The main focus of research activities, within ITS, has been on development …
communications. The main focus of research activities, within ITS, has been on development …
Survey on VANET security challenges and possible cryptographic solutions
In the near future, it is expected that vehicles which increasingly become an intelligent
systems will be equipped with radio communications interfaces. Thus, vehicular networks …
systems will be equipped with radio communications interfaces. Thus, vehicular networks …
[PDF][PDF] OFDM radar algorithms in mobile communication networks
KM Braun - 2014 - d-nb.info
Not too long ago, both wireless communications and radar systems involved either
expensive terminals or large infrastructure. On the communication side, this changed with …
expensive terminals or large infrastructure. On the communication side, this changed with …
[BOK][B] Vehicular networking
C Sommer, F Dressler - 2015 - books.google.com
With this essential guide to vehicular networking, you will learn about everything from
conceptual approaches and state-of-the-art protocols, to system designs and their …
conceptual approaches and state-of-the-art protocols, to system designs and their …
An intelligent V2I-based traffic management system
Vehicles equipped with intelligent systems designed to prevent accidents, such as collision
warning systems (CWSs) or lane-kee** assistance (LKA), are now on the market. The next …
warning systems (CWSs) or lane-kee** assistance (LKA), are now on the market. The next …
Mobility impact in IEEE 802.11 p infrastructureless vehicular networks
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are an extreme case of mobile ad hoc networks
(MANETs). High speed and frequent network topology changes are the main characteristics …
(MANETs). High speed and frequent network topology changes are the main characteristics …
Performance evaluation of IEEE 1609 WAVE and IEEE 802.11 p for vehicular communications
S Gräfling, P Mähönen… - 2010 second international …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper we study the performance of the IEEE 1609 WAVE and IEEE 802.11 p trial
standards for vehicular communications. We have implemented key components of these …
standards for vehicular communications. We have implemented key components of these …
Applicability of position-based routing for VANET in highways and urban environment
In the last years many routing protocols proposals have been made considering the
particular VANET characteristics. From the many proposals that came up, the protocols …
particular VANET characteristics. From the many proposals that came up, the protocols …
Analysis of access and connectivity probabilities in vehicular relay networks
IEEE 802.11 p and 1609 standards are currently under development to support Vehicle-to-
Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure communications in vehicular networks. For …
Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure communications in vehicular networks. For …