Climate change impacts on eastern boundary upwelling systems
The world's eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUSs) contribute disproportionately to
global ocean productivity and provide critical ecosystem services to human society. The …
global ocean productivity and provide critical ecosystem services to human society. The …
Actions to halt biodiversity loss generally benefit the climate
The two most urgent and interlinked environmental challenges humanity faces are climate
change and biodiversity loss. We are entering a pivotal decade for both the international …
change and biodiversity loss. We are entering a pivotal decade for both the international …
Oceans and coastal ecosystems and their services
Ocean and coastal ecosystems support life on Earth and many aspects of human well-being.
Covering two-thirds of the planet, the ocean hosts vast biodiversity and modulates the global …
Covering two-thirds of the planet, the ocean hosts vast biodiversity and modulates the global …
Ocean biogeochemical modelling
Ocean biogeochemical models describe the ocean's circulation, physical properties,
biogeochemical properties and their transformations using coupled differential equations …
biogeochemical properties and their transformations using coupled differential equations …
Climate, oxygen, and the future of marine biodiversity
The ocean enabled the diversification of life on Earth by adding O2 to the atmosphere, yet
marine species remain most subject to O2 limitation. Human industrialization is intensifying …
marine species remain most subject to O2 limitation. Human industrialization is intensifying …
Carbon fluxes of China's coastal wetlands and impacts of reclamation and restoration
Coastal wetlands play an important role in regulating atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)
concentrations and contribute significantly to climate change mitigation. However, climate …
concentrations and contribute significantly to climate change mitigation. However, climate …
Adsorption-electrochemical mediated precipitation for phosphorus recovery from sludge filter wastewater with a lanthanum-modified cellulose sponge filter
S Dong, X Li, S Wang, D Zhang, Y Chen, F **ao… - Science of The Total …, 2023 - Elsevier
In this study, the sludge filter wastewater is confirmed to investigate the effects of adsorption-
electrochemical mediated precipitation (EMP) driven phosphorus recovery on the basis of …
electrochemical mediated precipitation (EMP) driven phosphorus recovery on the basis of …
Functionalization of cellulose-based sponges: Design, modification, environmental applications, and sustainability analysis
W Yang, W Li, Y Lei, P He, G Wei, L Guo - Carbohydrate Polymers, 2024 - Elsevier
The trend of economic globalization is accelerating, and as competition for resources
intensifies within the international community, there is an urgent need to seek …
intensifies within the international community, there is an urgent need to seek …
Imbalanced phytoplankton C, N, P and its relationship with seawater nutrients in **amen Bay, China
X Lu, W Yu, B Chen, Z Ma, G Chen, F Ge, S An… - Marine pollution …, 2023 - Elsevier
Anthropogenic activities dramatically alter biogeochemical cycling and stoichiometry of
carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) within coastal marine ecosystems. Long-term …
carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) within coastal marine ecosystems. Long-term …
Quantitatively deciphering the roles of sediment nitrogen removal in environmental and climatic feedbacks in two subtropical estuaries
E Tan, TC Hsu, W Zou, X Yan, Z Huang, B Chen… - Water Research, 2022 - Elsevier
Sedimentary denitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) are two
microbially-mediated nitrogen removal pathways with distinct climatic feedbacks. Estuaries …
microbially-mediated nitrogen removal pathways with distinct climatic feedbacks. Estuaries …