Predictive approaches to forest site productivity: recent trends, challenges and future perspectives
In the framework of sustainable forest management, measuring site quality and predicting
site productivity remain a major forestry topic. Over the past years, it has been fostered by a …
site productivity remain a major forestry topic. Over the past years, it has been fostered by a …
Use of dynamic soil–vegetation models to assess impacts of nitrogen deposition on plant species composition: an overview
Field observations and experimental data of effects of nitrogen (N) deposition on plant
species diversity have been used to derive empirical critical N loads for various ecosystems …
species diversity have been used to derive empirical critical N loads for various ecosystems …
Soil and climate differently impact NDVI patterns according to the season and the stand type
C Piedallu, V Cheret, JP Denux, V Perez… - Science of the Total …, 2019 - Elsevier
Several studies use satellite-based normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to
monitor the impact of climate change on vegetation covers. Good understanding of the …
monitor the impact of climate change on vegetation covers. Good understanding of the …
Spatial vulnerability assessment of silver fir and Norway spruce dieback driven by climate warming
C Piedallu, D Dallery, C Bresson, M Legay… - Landscape …, 2023 - Springer
Context A significant forest decline has been noticed these last years in Europe. Managers
need tools to better anticipate these massive events. Objectives We evaluated the efficiency …
need tools to better anticipate these massive events. Objectives We evaluated the efficiency …
Geological control of floristic composition in Amazonian forests
Aim Conservation and land‐use planning require accurate maps of patterns in species
composition and an understanding of the factors that control them. Substantial doubt exists …
composition and an understanding of the factors that control them. Substantial doubt exists …
Soil nutritional factors improve models of plant species distribution: an illustration with Acer campestre (L.) in France
Aim To estimate the relative importance of climate and soil nutritional variables for predicting
the distribution of Acer campestre (L.) in French forests. Location France. Methods We used …
the distribution of Acer campestre (L.) in French forests. Location France. Methods We used …
Disregarding the edaphic dimension in species distribution models leads to the omission of crucial spatial information under climate change: the case of Q uercus …
Species distribution modelling is an easy, persuasive and useful tool for anticipating species
distribution shifts under global change. Numerous studies have used only climate variables …
distribution shifts under global change. Numerous studies have used only climate variables …
Recent changes in forest productivity: an analysis of national forest inventory data for common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in north-eastern France
Changes in forest growth have been found in European forests and worldwide. However
most observations have been derived from samples of restricted size, whose …
most observations have been derived from samples of restricted size, whose …
Windstorm‐induced canopy openings accelerate temperate forest adaptation to global warming
Aim Climate change is known to be a driver of changes in forest plant communities and to
modify disturbance regimes. We investigated whether forest gaps favoured vegetation …
modify disturbance regimes. We investigated whether forest gaps favoured vegetation …
Climate change-induced background tree mortality is exacerbated towards the warm limits of the species ranges
Key message An influence of the recent changes in temperature or rainfall was
demonstrated, increasing background tree mortality rates for 2/3 of the 12 studied tree …
demonstrated, increasing background tree mortality rates for 2/3 of the 12 studied tree …