[Књига][B] Sobolev gradients and differential equations

J Neuberger - 2009 - books.google.com
A Sobolev gradient of a real-valued functional on a Hilbert space is a gradient of that
functional taken relative to an underlying Sobolev norm. This book shows how descent …

Approximating time evolution related to Ginzburg–Landau functionals via Sobolev gradient methods in a finite-element setting

N Raza, S Sial, S Siddiqi - Journal of Computational Physics, 2010 - Elsevier
Approximating time evolution related to Ginzburg–Landau functionals via Sobolev gradient
methods in a finite-element setting - ScienceDirect Skip to main contentSkip to article Elsevier …

Reducing the computational complexity of implicit schemes in the modeling of kinetic inelastic collisions in a partially ionized plasma

C Lederman, D Bilyeu - Numerical Methods for Partial …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Modeling the time evolution of atomic number densities and the kinetic (non‐Maxwellian)
electron energy distribution function under the action of electron impact collisions by …

Approximate solutions to Poisson–Boltzmann systems with Sobolev gradients

A Majid, S Sial - Journal of Computational Physics, 2011 - Elsevier
A weighted Sobolev gradient approach [1] is presented to a nonlinear PBE [2] with
discontinuous coefficient functions. A comparison is given between the weighted and …

Time-parallel solutions to differential equations via functional optimization

C Lederman, R Martin, JL Cambier - Computational and Applied …, 2018 - Springer
We describe an approach to solving a generic time-dependent differential equation (DE) that
recasts the problem as a functional optimization one. The techniques employed to solve for …

Simulation study of propagation of pulses in optical fiber communication systems using Sobolev gradient and split-step Fourier methods

N Raza, S Sial, SS Siddiqi - International Journal of Computational …, 2009 - World Scientific
The one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) has a wide range of
applications in nonlinear optical and laser physics. The design of new optical systems …

[Књига][B] Application of Sobolev gradients to Poisson Boltzmann systems

A Majid - 2010 - Citeseer
The idea of a weighted Sobolev gradient, introduced and applied to singular differential
equations in 1], is extended to a Poisson-Boltzmann system with discontinuous coe cients …

Sobolev gradient approach for Huxley and Fisher models for gene propagation

N Raza, S Sial - Applied Mathematics, 2013 - scirp.org
The application of Sobolev gradient methods for finding critical points of the Huxley and
Fisher models is demonstrated. A comparison is given between the Euclidean, weighted …

[HTML][HTML] An Approximate Time-Parallel Method for the Fast and Accurate Computation of Particle Trajectories in a Magnetic Field

C Lederman, D Bilyeu - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2018 - scirp.org
A temporal multiscale hybridization method is presented that carefully couples coarse scale
gyrokinetic models with exact charged particle solution trajectories (that is, with full phase …