Tuned, driven, and active soft matter

AM Menzel - Physics reports, 2015 - Elsevier
One characteristic feature of soft matter systems is their strong response to external stimuli.
As a consequence they are comparatively easily driven out of their ground state and out of …

Microcapsule mechanics: From stability to function

MP Neubauer, M Poehlmann, A Fery - Advances in colloid and interface …, 2014 - Elsevier
Microcapsules are reviewed with special emphasis on the relevance of controlled
mechanical properties for functional aspects. At first, assembly strategies are presented that …

Theory and algorithms to compute Helfrich bending forces: a review

A Guckenberger, S Gekle - Journal of Physics: Condensed …, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
Cell membranes are vital to shield a cell's interior from the environment. At the same time
they determine to a large extent the cell's mechanical resistance to external forces. In recent …

Multiscale approach to link red blood cell dynamics, shear viscosity, and ATP release

AM Forsyth, J Wan, PD Owrutsky, M Abkarian… - Proceedings of the …, 2011 - pnas.org
RBCs are known to release ATP, which acts as a signaling molecule to cause dilation of
blood vessels. A reduction in the release of ATP from RBCs has been linked to diseases …

A hybrid immersed interface and phase-field-based lattice Boltzmann method for multiphase ferrofluid flow

Q He, W Huang, J Xu, Y Hu, D Li - Computers & Fluids, 2023 - Elsevier
In this study, we developed a hybrid immersed interface and phase-field lattice Boltzmann
(LB) method to simulate multiphase ferrofluid flows. The Laplace equation for the magnetic …

Lattice Boltzmann simulations for soft flowing matter

A Tiribocchi, M Durve, M Lauricella, A Montessori… - Physics Reports, 2025 - Elsevier
Over the last decade, the Lattice Boltzmann method has found major scope for the
simulation of a large spectrum of problems in soft matter, from multiphase and multi …

The dynamics of a vesicle in simple shear flow

H Zhao, ESG Shaqfeh - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2011 - cambridge.org
We have performed direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a lipid vesicle under Stokes flow
conditions in simple shear flow. The lipid membrane is modelled as a two-dimensional …

Fluid vesicles in flow

D Abreu, M Levant, V Steinberg, U Seifert - Advances in colloid and …, 2014 - Elsevier
We review the dynamical behavior of giant fluid vesicles in various types of external
hydrodynamic flow. The interplay between stresses arising from membrane elasticity …

Spheres in the vicinity of a bifurcation: elucidating the Zweifach–Fung effect

V Doyeux, T Podgorski, S Peponas, M Ismail… - Journal of Fluid …, 2011 - cambridge.org
The problem of the splitting of a suspension in bifurcating channels divided into two
branches of non-equal flow rates is addressed. As has long been observed, in particular in …

Three-dimensional numerical simulation of vesicle dynamics using a front-tracking method

A Yazdani, P Bagchi - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2012 - APS
Three-dimensional numerical simulation using the front-tracking method is presented on the
dynamics of a vesicle in a linear shear flow. The focus here is to elucidate the parametric …