Neural mechanisms that make perceptual decisions flexible
Neural mechanisms of perceptual decision making have been extensively studied in
experimental settings that mimic stable environments with repeating stimuli, fixed rules, and …
experimental settings that mimic stable environments with repeating stimuli, fixed rules, and …
[HTML][HTML] Computation noise in human learning and decision-making: origin, impact, function
C Findling, V Wyart - Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2021 - Elsevier
Highlights•Computation noise drives human decision variability under uncertainty.•
Computation noise sets cognitive constraints on information processing.•Computation noise …
Computation noise sets cognitive constraints on information processing.•Computation noise …
Sensory perception is a holistic inference process.
Sensory perception is widely considered an inference process that reflects the best guess of
a stimulus feature based on uncertain sensory information. Here we challenge this …
a stimulus feature based on uncertain sensory information. Here we challenge this …
Flexible integration of continuous sensory evidence in perceptual estimation tasks
Temporal accumulation of evidence is crucial for making accurate judgments based on
noisy or ambiguous sensory input. The integration process leading to categorical decisions …
noisy or ambiguous sensory input. The integration process leading to categorical decisions …
Bayesian encoding and decoding as distinct perspectives on neural coding
The Bayesian brain hypothesis is one of the most influential ideas in neuroscience.
However, unstated differences in how Bayesian ideas are operationalized make it difficult to …
However, unstated differences in how Bayesian ideas are operationalized make it difficult to …
Normative principles for decision-making in natural environments
The decisions we make are shaped by a lifetime of learning. Past experience guides the
way that we encode information in neural systems for perception and valuation, and …
way that we encode information in neural systems for perception and valuation, and …
Flexible categorization in perceptual decision making
Perceptual decisions rely on accumulating sensory evidence. This computation has been
studied using either drift diffusion models or neurobiological network models exhibiting …
studied using either drift diffusion models or neurobiological network models exhibiting …
Sampling-based Bayesian inference in recurrent circuits of stochastic spiking neurons
Two facts about cortex are widely accepted: neuronal responses show large spiking
variability with near Poisson statistics and cortical circuits feature abundant recurrent …
variability with near Poisson statistics and cortical circuits feature abundant recurrent …
Choices change the temporal weighting of decision evidence
Many decisions result from the accumulation of decision-relevant information (evidence)
over time. Even when maximizing decision accuracy requires weighting all the evidence …
over time. Even when maximizing decision accuracy requires weighting all the evidence …
Earlier social information has a stronger influence on judgments
People's decisions are often informed by the choices of others. Evidence accumulation
models provide a mechanistic account of how such social information enters the choice …
models provide a mechanistic account of how such social information enters the choice …