Gender bias in academia: A lifetime problem that needs solutions
Despite increased awareness of the lack of gender equity in academia and a growing
number of initiatives to address issues of diversity, change is slow, and inequalities remain …
number of initiatives to address issues of diversity, change is slow, and inequalities remain …
Racism, African American women, and their sexual and reproductive health: a review of historical and contemporary evidence and implications for health equity
C Prather, TR Fuller, WL Jeffries IV, KJ Marshall… - Health …, 2018 - liebertpub.com
Background: The sexual and reproductive health of African American women has been
compromised due to multiple experiences of racism, including discriminatory healthcare …
compromised due to multiple experiences of racism, including discriminatory healthcare …
Evaluating the replicability of social science experiments in Nature and Science between 2010 and 2015
Being able to replicate scientific findings is crucial for scientific progress,,,,,,,,,,,,,–. We
replicate 21 systematically selected experimental studies in the social sciences published in …
replicate 21 systematically selected experimental studies in the social sciences published in …
Gender, competitiveness, and career choices
Gender differences in competitiveness have been hypothesized as a potential explanation
for gender differences in education and labor market outcomes. We examine the predictive …
for gender differences in education and labor market outcomes. We examine the predictive …
A survey of experimental research on contests, all-pay auctions and tournaments
Many economic, political and social environments can be described as contests in which
agents exert costly effort while competing over the distribution of a scarce resource. These …
agents exert costly effort while competing over the distribution of a scarce resource. These …
A multi-level process model for understanding diversity practice effectiveness
A significant amount of research has been conducted on diversity “best practices” to
understand whether they help reduce discrimination, increase managerial diversity, and …
understand whether they help reduce discrimination, increase managerial diversity, and …
Do women avoid salary negotiations? Evidence from a large-scale natural field experiment
One explanation advanced for the persistent gender pay differences in labor markets is that
women avoid salary negotiations. By using a natural field experiment that randomizes nearly …
women avoid salary negotiations. By using a natural field experiment that randomizes nearly …
Do competitive workplaces deter female workers? A large-scale natural field experiment on job entry decisions
An important line of research using laboratory experiments has provided a new potential
reason for gender imbalances in labour markets: men are more competitively inclined than …
reason for gender imbalances in labour markets: men are more competitively inclined than …
Preferences and biases in educational choices and labour market expectations: Shrinking the black box of gender
Using an experiment to measure overconfidence and preferences for competitiveness and
risk, this article investigates whether these measures explain gender differences in college …
risk, this article investigates whether these measures explain gender differences in college …
Gender differences in the willingness to compete emerge early in life and persist
Gender differences in the willingness to compete have been identified as one important
factor in explaining gender differences in labor markets and within organizations. We …
factor in explaining gender differences in labor markets and within organizations. We …