The fitness consequences of wildlife conservation translocations: a meta‐analysis

IP Gross, AE Wilson, ME Wolak - Biological Reviews, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Conservation translocation is a common strategy to offset mounting rates of population
declines through the transfer of captive‐or wild‐origin organisms into areas where …

Silent domestication of wildlife in the Anthropocene: The mallard as a case study

J Champagnon, J Elmberg, M Guillemain… - Biological …, 2023 - Elsevier
In the Anthropocene, human activities have been a dominant force affecting wildlife, natural
habitats, and climate worldwide. Over time, increasing incidences of wildlife-human …

Local movements of farmed‐released versus wild mallards Anas platyrhynchos in fall

P Söderquist, J Elmberg, D Einarson… - Wildlife …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Releasing farmed mallards into the wild is a common practice in wildlife management
worldwide, involving millions of birds annually, and is mainly carried out to increase hunting …

Admixture between released and wild game birds: a changing genetic landscape in European mallards (Anas platyrhynchos)

P Söderquist, J Elmberg, G Gunnarsson… - European Journal of …, 2017 - Springer
Disruption of naturally evolved spatial patterns of genetic variation and local adaptations is a
growing concern in wildlife management and conservation. During the last decade, releases …

[HTML][HTML] Spatial and temporal variation in the prevalence of illegal lead shot in reared and wild mallards harvested in England

EA Strong, SL Crowley, JL Newth, MF O'Brien… - Environmental …, 2024 - Elsevier
The use of lead shotgun ammunition for shooting wildfowl has been restricted in England
since 1999, but surveys finding lead shot in harvested birds show compliance with …

Demographic and conservation genomic assessment of the threatened marbled teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris)

J Ortego, V Muñoz‐Fuentes… - Evolutionary …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Genetic assessment of species that have experienced dramatic population declines
provides critical information that is instrumental for the design of conservation recovery …

Use of wild–caught individuals as a key factor for success in vertebrate translocations

L Rummel, A Martínez–Abraín, J Mayol… - Animal Biodiversity and …, 2016 -
Resulta fundamental que las translocaciones de vertebrados den buenos resultados para
mejorar la eficacia y la eficiencia de las medidas de conservación, si bien a menudo es …

Assessing the genetic impact of massive restocking on wild mallard

J Champagnon, PA Crochet, J Kreisinger… - Animal …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
C aptive‐bred mallards A nas platyrhynchos have been released for hunting purposes at a
very large scale in E urope since the mid‐1970s. In spite of a potential genetic impact, the …

Persistence of an endangered native duck, feral mallards, and multiple hybrid swarms across the main Hawaiian Islands

CP Wells, P Lavretsky, MD Sorenson… - Molecular …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Interspecific hybridization is recognized as an important process in the evolutionary
dynamics of both speciation and the reversal of speciation. However, our understanding of …

Blind shots: Non‐natural mortality counteracts conservation efforts of a threatened waterbird

JM Pérez‐García, E Sebastián‐González… - Animal …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Waterbirds are particularly affected by the high hunting pressure they face in many regions,
which in some cases is compromising conservation actions for threatened species. The …